Sen. Ted Cruz Captivates Values Voter Summit
Sen. Ted Cruz at Value Voter's Summit Img: Via FRCAction Video of Speech |
by Katie Glueck, Politico: Rand Paul talked foreign policy. Rick Santorum decried flagging family values. Michele Bachmann called for war on radical Islam.
But it was Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas who captivated the crowd of social conservatives in Washington Friday, again showcasing his appeal with that critical part of the GOP should he run in 2016.
The Values Voter conference offered an early glimpse of what’s sure to be a spirited battle for the allegiance of Christian conservatives in 2016.
In a half-hour speech, the Lone Star State Republican quoted “Amazing Grace” and cited Psalms; Cruz shared a personal story about how his father, who briefly left his family, returned when he found religion; he relayed stories from the Bible. He was introduced by prominent grassroots conservative activist Brent Bozell, who urged, “Run, Ted, Run,” in his remarks. And his speech was punctuated by applause and several standing ovations.
Cruz’s address offered deeply personal ruminations on religion. He said that at one point, his parents were not “people of faith.” They “drank far too much” and had “serious problems with alcohol,” Cruz said, His father, Rafael Cruz — now a fixture on the conservative speaking circuit — briefly left the family when the senator was 3. But he returned, Cruz continued to applause, after beginning to attend church.
“So when anyone asks, ‘Is faith real, is a relationship with Jesus real?’ I can tell you if it were not for my father giving his life to Christ, I would have been raised by a single mother without having my dad in the home,” the first-term senator said. “Every one of us, we have seen first-hand that in utter darkness, hope remains.”
There were tea party activists in attendance at the summit, but the emphasis was less on small government and more on strict social conservatism. The event drew attendees who oppose same-sex marriage, abortion rights and marijuana legislation; who back prayer in schools and free expression of religion, and who are also strong supporters of Israel — attributes shared by many GOP activists in early 2016 states like Iowa.
In his speech, Cruz repeatedly invoked the phrase from Psalms, “Joy comes in the morning,” often receiving “amens” from the audience. And he brought some members of the audience to their feet when he said the Obama administration should not engage in negotiations with Iran until a pastor, imprisoned there, was released.
“Oh, the vacuum of American leadership in the world,” Cruz said. “We need a president who will speak out for people of faith, for prisoners of conscience.”
Tony Perkins, who heads the Family Research Council and its lobbying arm — the latter is the main sponsor of the event — immediately pointed to Cruz when asked which speakers stood out.
“He’s not apologizing,” Perkins said. “Values voters find that refreshing.”
Cruz also dinged “people in Washington who say [for] Republicans to win, [we] have to abandon values.”
When a woman in the crowd yelled out, “No way!” Cruz replied, “You’re exactly right” and posited that America is a center-right country “built on Judeo-Christian values.”
“We stand for life,” he added. “We stand for marriage. We stand for Israel. We bring back jobs and opportunity and unleash small businesses to make it easier for people to achieve the American dream. We abolish the IRS. We repeal Common Core.”
The Texas Republican joined other likely 2016 contenders at the conference, including Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal — who talked about the “miracle of life,” the importance of culture and the American Dream — and former Sen. Rick Santorum, who ran in 2012 and might again.
Paul earned hearty applause, but he had fewer emotionally charged remarks about religion. He sometimes turned to quotes from other people, including Mother Teresa and former President Ronald Reagan, instead of wading deeply into his personal convictions.
“Rand has a better message, Cruz has better motivation,” said Denny Johnson, an attendee from Mesa, Ariz.
Paul did, however, tout his anti-abortion rights bona fides.
“The debate isn’t about whether the government has a role in protecting life, it’s about when life begins,” said Paul, an ophthalmologist. “Don’t tell me five- and six-pound babies have no rights simply because they have not yet [been] born. I will march for life, I will stand up for defense of life.”
But then Paul shifted into more frequently trod territory: blasting foreign aid for America’s adversaries.
“Another way we as Christians should stand up to the status quo is in foreign policy,” he said, going on to detail the persecution facing Christians in some parts of the Middle East, and to demand an end to foreign aid for countries that allow such treatment.
“I’m not sure we could ever stop all foreign aid, but we ought to really look into who we are sending aid to,” said Mike Onisick, a 65-year-old attendee from Maryland, who spoke approvingly about Paul.
Santorum, a staunch social conservative, was also greeted warmly when he took the stage. But he spent much of his address on foreign policy, blasting the Obama administration’s approach. He went on to lament the state of family values, asking the audience how many of their children shared their beliefs.
“How can we let that happen and still hope for a good and healthy America?” he said.
Like Cruz, he warned against compromising the GOP’s values in an effort to appeal to more voters.
“People are looking for somebody who’s going to speak clearly, with conviction, and not do any kind of political dance,” Perkins said. “People are hungry for leadership.”
Politico article shared for educational purposes to provide insight into the speeches and reception of speakers at the Family Research Councils Value Voters Summit. Recommend watching the FRC Action video of Sen. Ted Cruz speech.
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Sen. Ted Cruz at Values Voter Summit declares we need to Abolish the IRS #sgp #tcot #faitax #fairtaxnation
Amen! If he wants to abolish the IRS then he should be a co-sponsor of S 155...why aren't you, Senator Cruz?
Unfortunately, Cruz has this insane idea that he can do this with a flat income tax. Not only would he not be able to abolish the IRS, under a flat income tax, but since the IRS would be able to acomplish audits faster, they would have time to perform at least 25 times more audits than they do today. But the worst part about a flat income tax is that it would end further talk about comprehensive tax reform, including talk about the FairTax, for at least a decade. Cruz lost my vote (both as senator, since I'm from Texas, and as presidential candidate) with that nonsense. His idea would stop the FairTax in its tracks and all that we have done to advance the FairTax would be for naught.
YES.....Fair Tax !
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