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One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics
is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato
(429-347 BC)
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Trade Means American Jobs
‘International Trade Is Fundamentally Good For The U.S. Economy, Beneficial To American Families’
2014: 11.7 Million Jobs Supported By $2.4 Trillion In Exports
‘A Record Year Of Exports With Our 20 Free Trade Partners’
“…U.S. exporters reaped the benefits of a record year of exports with our 20 free trade partners – with a total of $765 billion in goods sent to these markets. That record included increases in exports to Colombia (up 10.5%), South Korea (up 6.8%) and the Central America Free Trade Agreement-Dominican Republic partners (up 5.7%). Overall, these 20 countries purchase nearly half of all U.S. exports today – 47% to be exact.”(Dept. of Commerce, “Increased Exports And The Jobs Supported By Exports Are Keys To Heightened Economic Confidence,” 3/11/15)
“26 states achieved records in goods exports in 2014, while eight additional states experienced growth in merchandise exports over 2013 levels.”
“Exports to these 20 countries represented nearly half of all U.S. goods exports in 2012. In 2012, U.S. goods exports to FTA partners grew nearly twice as fast as exports to the rest of the world.”
(Dept. of Commerce, “Fact Sheet: National Export Initiative,” 5/24/13) BIPARTISAN GROUP OF FORMER CHAIRS OF THE PRESIDENT’S COUNCIL ON ECONOMIC ADVISORS: “International trade is fundamentally good for the U.S. economy, beneficial to American families over time, and consonant with our domestic priorities. That is why we support the renewal of Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) to make it possible for the United States to reach international agreements with our economic partners…We believe that agreements to foster greater international trade are in our national economic and security interests, and support a renewal of Trade Promotion Authority.” (Letter To Congressional Leadership, Past Chairs of The President’s Council Of Economic Advisers, 3/5/15)
‘Farmers And Ranchers Are Ready For Trade Agreements That Create Business’
BOB STALLMAN, President Of The American Farm Bureau Federation. “U.S. agriculture exported more than $152 billion in products last year alone, and there’s room for more growth yet. With Trade Promotion Authority expected to take center stage on the legislative agenda this spring, farmers and ranchers are ready for trade agreements that create business and boost the American economy.” (Bob Stallman, “It’s Time To Move Forward With TPA,” The Country Today, 3/10/15)
FORMER U.S. AGRICULTURE SECRETARIES: ‘We encourage Congress to enact Trade Promotion Authority and support trade agreements that help U.S. farmers, ranchers, and producers thrive’ “Access to export markets is vital for increasing sales and supporting farm income at home. Recognizing the importance of exports, we worked hard to open foreign markets, including negotiating new or expanded trade agreements with other countries. Trade agreements lead to expanded agricultural exports by promoting economic growth, removing trade barriers and import duties and developing mutually beneficial trade rules. Key to our ability to negotiate and implement market-opening agreements has been enactment of trade negotiating authority. This authority, now called Trade Promotion Authority (TPA), ensures that the U.S. has the credibility to conclude the best deal possible at the negotiating table. … For us, the choice is clear: we encourage Congress to enact Trade Promotion Authority and support trade agreements that help U.S. farmers, ranchers, and producers thrive.” (Former Agriculture Secretaries, Letter To Congress, 2/27/15)
‘American Exporters Face Higher Tariffs Abroad Than Nearly All Our Trade Competitors’
U.S. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE: “…398 [Free Trade Agreements] are in force around the globe today, but the United States has FTAs in place with just 20 countries. There are more than 100 FTAs currently under negotiation among our trading partners.” (U.S. Chamber of Commerce, “The Open Door Of Trade,” 3/16/15)
CHAMBER: “U.S. goods arriving in foreign markets face an average tariff of 5.9%, according to the World Economic Forum’s Global Enabling Trade Report 2014. … [U.S.] ranked a disastrous 130th out of 138 economies in terms of the ‘tariffs faced’ by our exports overseas. In other words, American exporters face higher tariffs abroad than nearly all our trade competitors.” (U.S. Chamber of Commerce, “The Open Door Of Trade,” P.3, 2015)
Tags:International Trade, American Jobs, jobs, U.S. Economy, Trade Tariffs, Chamber of Commerce, To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. and "Like" Facebook Page - Thanks!
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