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One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)

Tuesday, July 07, 2015

Speaker Takes Delegation to Ireland | Obamacare Problems Contradicting All Of Dems' Claims About The Law

The Blarney Stone
Today in Washington, D.C. - July 7, 2015
The House will reconvene at 2:00 PM today. The will consider H.R. 907 — "To improve defense cooperation between the United States and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan."
H.R. 1531 — "To amend title 5, United States Code, to provide a pathway for temporary seasonal employees in Federal land management agencies to compete for vacant permanent positions under internal merit promotion procedures, and for other purposes."
H.R. 2822 — "Making appropriations for the Department of the Interior, environment, and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2016, and for other purposes."

Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement urging the House of Representatives to defund key Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and other Interior Department actions in the upcoming Interior appropriations bill that have been stifling energy and extraction industries:"The upcoming Interior appropriations bill provides an opportunity for the House to defund key EPA and other Interior actions that have had a stranglehold on our economy. Congress should deny funds to carry out the carbon endangerment finding, the new and existing power plant rules, and any other man-made-global-warming-hysteria-inspired regulation. The agency's general counsel's office could be cut by 30 percent. The Interior Department's contemplated expansion of the Northern Spotted Owl's protected habitat should also be halted. These are but a few examples of how Congress' power of the purse can be used to stop the EPA's assault on our economy."You be the judge regarding the validity of the cost of the following Congressional delegation trip. During the July 4th congressional recess, House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) with other members of the House completed talks with "smaller" European allies: Lithuania, Finland, Poland, and Ireland. With discussions focused on transatlantic trade, energy security, and defense cooperation, Boehner stressed the importance of strengthening U.S. - European ties to counter Russian aggression.

Also on the trip were Rep. Susan Brooks (R-IN), Rep. Mike Kelly (R-PA), Rep. Dan Lipinski (D-IL), Rep. John Shimkus (R-IL), Rep. Mike Simpson (R-ID), Rep. Ann Wagner (R-MO), and Rep. Greg Walden (R-OR).

On his return, Speaker Boehner said, "This week was about showing our allies that we stand with them, and we are united in our commitment to their future. Closer ties between the United States and Europe mean less leverage for Russia and the world’s aggressors. And whether it’s trade, energy, or defense, there’s no shortage of opportunities to deepen our ties. The United States is blessed to have such courageous and determined allies, and we certainly look forward to building on these talks.”

Speaker Boehner, himself Irish as is this writer, appears to have overreached at a media availability with Prime Minister Enda Kenny. Boehner said, "we’re on the eve of celebrating our 239th anniversary as a country, and it wouldn’t have happened without the Irish." Now that's authentic "pure blarney."

The Senate will reconvene at 2:30 PM today and begin consideration of S. 1177, the Every Child Achieves Act of 2015.

At 5:30, the Senate will vote on confirmation of the nomination of Kara Stoll to be United States Circuit Judge for the Federal Circuit.

More news on Obmacare Tribulations:
Over the holiday weekend, The New York Times published a reportabout the health insurance premium increases Americans are seeing in state after state, despite the promises of the president and Democrats about Obamacare.

The Times reported, “Health insurance companies around the country are seeking rate increases of 20 percent to 40 percent or more, saying their new customers under the Affordable Care Act turned out to be sicker than expected. . . .

“Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans — market leaders in many states — are seeking rate increases that average 23 percent in Illinois, 25 percent in North Carolina, 31 percent in Oklahoma, 36 percent in Tennessee and 54 percent in Minnesota, according to documents posted online by the federal government and state insurance commissioners and interviews with insurance executives.

“The Oregon insurance commissioner, Laura N. Cali, has just approved 2016 rate increases for companies that cover more than 220,000 people. Moda Health Plan, which has the largest enrollment in the state, received a 25 percent increase, and the second-largest plan, LifeWise, received a 33 percent increase.

“Jesse Ellis O’Brien, a health advocate at the Oregon State Public Interest Research Group, said: ‘Rate increases will be bigger in 2016 than they have been for years and years and will have a profound effect on consumers here. Some may start wondering if insurance is affordable or if it’s worth the money.’ . . .

“Blue Cross and Blue Shield of New Mexico has requested rate increases averaging 51 percent for its 33,000 members. The proposal elicited tart online comments from consumers. ‘This rate increase is ridiculous,’ one subscriber wrote on the website of the New Mexico insurance superintendent. . . .

“After public hearings and a rigorous review, Ms. Cali, the Oregon insurance commissioner, found that the cost of providing coverage to individuals and families in 2014 was $830 million, while premiums were only $703 million. She directed some carriers to raise rates in 2016 even more than they had proposed.

“Health Net, for example, requested rate increases averaging 9 percent in Oregon. The state approved increases averaging 34.8 percent. Oregon’s Health Co-op requested a 5.3 percent increase. The state called for a 19.9 percent increase

“‘We share the concerns expressed through public comment about the affordability of health insurance in Oregon,’ said Ms. Cali, an actuary. But, she added, ‘inadequate rates could result in companies going out of business in the middle of the plan year, or being unable to pay claims.’

"Coventry Health Care, now owned by Aetna, is seeking rate increases that average 22 percent for 70,000 consumers in Missouri. ‘The claims experience for these plans has been worse than anticipated,’ Coventry reported.

“In its proposal to increase rates by an average of 25 percent for more than 397,000 consumers, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina cited ‘inpatient costs, particularly in treatment of cancer and heart conditions, emergency room utilization, and cost for specialty drug medications’ to treat hepatitis C, breast cancer and cystic fibrosis.

“Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas sought increases averaging 37 percent for 2016 and said the increase could affect 28,600 consumers. ‘Kansans who purchased these individual plans since 2014 were older, in general, than expected and required more medical services than anticipated,’ the company told federal health officials.”

The Times
notes, “A study of 11 cities in different states by the Kaiser Family Foundation found that consumers would see relatively modest increases in premiums if they were willing to switch plans. But if they switch plans, consumers would have no guarantee that they can keep their doctors. And to get low premiums, they sometimes need to accept a more limited choice of doctors and hospitals.

“Some say the marketplaces have not attracted enough healthy young people. ‘As a result, millions of people will face Obamacare sticker shock,’ said Senator John Barrasso, Republican of Wyoming.”

All of this again contradicts many of the key claims made about Obamacare by its proponents: that premiums would go down, that Americans could keep their doctors if they wanted to, that the law would expand health care choices, that costs would be lower, and that more people with insurance and free preventative care would reduce claims.

Every one of those assertions ran contrary to common sense. More mandates on insurers aren’t likely to expand choices. Reduced payments to doctors and increased requirements suggested fewer doctors would be available. And adding more people to the health care system was obviously going to lead to more people making claims, which in turn is costing more money, and so premiums are going up.

As the NYT explains, “In their submissions to federal and state regulators, insurers cite several reasons for big rate increases. These include the needs of consumers, some of whom were previously uninsured; the high cost of specialty drugs; and a policy adopted by the Obama administration in late 2013 that allowed some people to keep insurance that did not meet new federal standards.

“‘Healthier people chose to keep their plans,’ said Amy L. Bowen, a spokeswoman for the Geisinger Health Plan in Pennsylvania, and people buying insurance on the exchange were therefore sicker than expected. Geisinger, often praised as a national model of coordinated care, has requested an increase of 40 percent in rates for its health maintenance organization. . . .

“Our enrollees generated 24 percent more claims than we thought they would when we set our 2014 rates,” said Nathan T. Johns, the chief financial officer of Arches Health Plan, which covers about one-fourth of the people who bought insurance through the federal exchange in Utah. As a result, the company said, it collected premiums of $39.7 million and had claims of $56.3 million in 2014. It has requested rate increases averaging 45 percent for 2016.
“The rate requests are the first to reflect a full year of experience with the new insurance exchanges and federal standards that require insurers to accept all applicants, without charging higher prices because of a person’s illness or disability.

“Federal officials have often highlighted a provision of the Affordable Care Act that caps insurers’ profits and requires them to spend at least 80 percent of premiums on medical care and related activities. ‘Because of the Affordable Care Act,’ Mr. Obama told supporters in 2013, ‘insurance companies have to spend at least 80 percent of every dollar that you pay in premiums on your health care — not on overhead, not on profits, but on you.’

“In financial statements filed with the government in the last two months, some insurers said that their claims payments totaled not just 80 percent, but more than 100 percent of premiums. And that, they said, is unsustainable.

“At Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota, for example, the ratio of claims paid to premium revenues was more than 115 percent, and the company said it lost more than $135 million on its individual insurance business in 2014. ‘Based on first-quarter results,’ it said, ‘the year-end deficit for 2015 individual business is expected to be significantly higher.’

“BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee, the largest insurer in the state’s individual market, said its proposed increase of 36 percent could affect more than 209,000 consumers.

“‘There’s not a lot of mystery to it,’ said Roy Vaughn, a vice president of the Tennessee Blue Cross plan. ‘We lost a significant amount of money in the marketplace, $141 million, because we were not very accurate in predicting the utilization of health care.’”

Tags: Speaker Boehner, delegation, Congressional delegation trip, trip Europe, Lithuania, Finland, Poland, Ireland, blarney stone, Obamacare Problems  To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. and "Like" Facebook Page - Thanks!
Posted by Bill Smith at 12:32 PM - Post Link


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