The “Leading From Behind” Failure
by John C. Velisek, Contributing Author: The United States under the leadership of President Barack Hussein Obama has not been allowed to flex its will to win. Instead, we note the administration bowing to political correctness, and Islamic terrorism spreading and gaining footholds in many different areas of the world including our own country. This administration has ignored this spread, making us vulnerability to attacks here in our country.
Mr. Obama’s unwillingness to take on the Islamic State and other organizations promoting radical Islamic terrorism has lead to the expansion of radical Jihad, and allowed its recruiting to expand because they know that the United States, who should be a world leader, is “leading from behind” which means no leadership at all. Under this president, we are condoning the premise that Islamic Terrorism as a form of political expression and continue to make excuses for the deaths of innocent citizens. Terrorism has and will continue to come to our country because of the ideological shortcomings of President Obama and his Administration.
We have a leader who is more concerned about global warming that the threat to national security by radical Islam. The only way to secure our national security is to be on the attack and to overwhelm the bastions of terrorism that are spreading throughout the world. We need to remove rules of engagement that preclude strikes that may involve casualties of civilians. Islamic terrorists are hiding among the civilian population as Hamas does in its attacks on Israel. We need to let the generals on the ground to make decisions for force protection.
Border security is important. This administration must be made to understand that our borders are the first line of defense for protection of this country. Mr. Obama claims that he will do everything in his power to maintain security of this country, but he will not close the borders.
He wants the American people to believe ISIS will never come here even though it has been proven that there are Islamic training centers in this country and there over 1000 ongoing FBI investigations. They are here, this administration knows they are here, and it has done nothing to stop the influx of terrorists into this country.
Contrary to the opinion of Mr. Obama and some politicians, there is no moral obligation to take in Syrian refugees who are not vetted. Their moral obligation is to the security of this nation; something this administration has been proven to ignore. Obama has even increased the number of screening outposts in Iraq, Lebanon, and the Middle East to further the influx of refugees before the American people demand a stop to the flow of unvetted refugees, many of whom are men of fighting age to this country. And who is in charge of this vetting process that Obama speaks so highly of? They are clerks of the DHS even though they have already stated that there is no way to vet these refugees.
What can we expect from a President that has alienated our allies and treated our adversaries as equals? We have President who is willing to negotiate with the Taliban, and is floating the idea of diplomatic talks with the Islamic State. Almost everyone outside of the Obama administration understands that ISIS will not be defeated diplomatically. ISIS only desire is world domination and a new Caliphate.
This is the same President who abandoned the gains made by our country’s blood and treasure previously in Iraq. President Obama left Iraq at risk solely to make the point that he was not GW Bush. Iraq was on the path to a democratic way of life until Obama abandoned Iraq. And, now we have the Islamic State in Iraq who threatens all. Afghanistan may fall as well, most likely will occur after Obama leaves office, and the next President who is blamed.
Obama has no coherent foreign policy for the protection of this country, nor does he evidence the leadership skills required to do anything but capitulate to the goals of others. Obama’s foreign policy has appeared to be forcing America to be and to look more like Europe. Our foreign policy is adrift and is being damaged worldwide by its show of weakness. This vacuum of leadership has turned the world into a cauldron of fiery attacks with no response from this administration except excuses.
There is no follow through on policy. The “red line” for Syria’s use of chemical weapons was ignored to the point of Obama saying he never said it. This allowed Putin and other world leaders to discount the word of Obama and once again showed his weakness. The opportunities for Russia, China and Iran to change the world to meet their expectations remain unchallenged.
Rather than change his foreign policy as needed Obama spends his time touting his policies that have been proven failures, both foreign and domestic.
Obama appeared as a candidate as an articulate man and was elected our President also on a campaign promise that he could bring people together. He was even awarded a Noble Peace prize before he actually did anything but promise to do something. That campaign promise has been shattered. Race relations have turned ugly, and more and more of the people in this country are choosing to tune out of the challenges that this administration has forced upon us.
There is no substance to Obama; he is nothing more than a community organizer who gives things away for votes. Obama hasn’t proven he can’t do the hard work required of a President of the largest free nation in the world. Obama is more comfortable in dictating what the country and world at large should do. He feels that no one should dispute any of his proclamations, the proclamations of a narcissistic dictator. He is so enthralled with the progressive agendas of the UN and these agenda being forced on the people of America, it appears he would rather be the leader of the UN than of the USA.
The Islamic State is expanding throughout the world including within the United States because they understand that “political correctness” has stolen from the western world the preparedness to win a global struggle. They understand that the progressives worldwide have fallen back into an isolationist mode that attempts to use diplomacy in all circumstances, and with appeasement has lost the will to use force to protect the own citizens.
In the minds of the progressives, this battle is a legal issue, where we should attempt to hold terrorists criminally liable for their actions. They fail to understand that this is a global war, a war of submission, a conflict that will only end in the destruction of one side or the other.
We have a President who sees no conflict in bringing in more refugees. He uses the global refugee situation created by ISIS to attempt to denigrate Republicans by saying they are scared of “widows and orphans.” He doesn’t accept the data that women have been used as suicide bombers and children as young as three are using teddy bears to learn how to slice infidel’s throats.
In closing, let’s look to some of these refugees that had been vetted previous to this mass exodus of refugees we are facing now. There were the Boston Bombers Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. Ramzi Yousef was allowed through JFK Airport without documentation and he plotted the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. There was the refugee Mir Aimal Kansi who committed the CIA headquarters shooting in 1993. Nuradin Abdi was convicted of planning a shopping mall bombing after entering the United States twice. These are but a few of the terrorists that we know of and they were supposedly vetted. How many more are lying in wait? And, with the advent of sanctuary cities, the illegal alien and refugees challenges have been compounded.
Our country is under siege from both threats both outside our borders and within. With a President who evidences little love for this country and prefers for others do the heavy lifting while “leading from behind,” it will be a tumultuous year until Obama is out of the White House. Hopefully, our next President will be one who loves America and respects the Constitution and will lead the new administration in restoring our national security and pride in our country!
John C. Velisek, retired Navy is a California conservative activist writing articles for various publication and is a contributing author to the ARRA News Service. You can follow John's work on @sjspecialist on Twitter and One Patriots Opinion on Facebook.
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Mr. Obama’s unwillingness to take on the Islamic State and other organizations promoting radical Islamic terrorism has lead to the expansion of radical Jihad, and allowed its recruiting to expand because they know that the United States, who should be a world leader, is “leading from behind” which means no leadership at all. Under this president, we are condoning the premise that Islamic Terrorism as a form of political expression and continue to make excuses for the deaths of innocent citizens. Terrorism has and will continue to come to our country because of the ideological shortcomings of President Obama and his Administration.
We have a leader who is more concerned about global warming that the threat to national security by radical Islam. The only way to secure our national security is to be on the attack and to overwhelm the bastions of terrorism that are spreading throughout the world. We need to remove rules of engagement that preclude strikes that may involve casualties of civilians. Islamic terrorists are hiding among the civilian population as Hamas does in its attacks on Israel. We need to let the generals on the ground to make decisions for force protection.
Border security is important. This administration must be made to understand that our borders are the first line of defense for protection of this country. Mr. Obama claims that he will do everything in his power to maintain security of this country, but he will not close the borders.
He wants the American people to believe ISIS will never come here even though it has been proven that there are Islamic training centers in this country and there over 1000 ongoing FBI investigations. They are here, this administration knows they are here, and it has done nothing to stop the influx of terrorists into this country.
Contrary to the opinion of Mr. Obama and some politicians, there is no moral obligation to take in Syrian refugees who are not vetted. Their moral obligation is to the security of this nation; something this administration has been proven to ignore. Obama has even increased the number of screening outposts in Iraq, Lebanon, and the Middle East to further the influx of refugees before the American people demand a stop to the flow of unvetted refugees, many of whom are men of fighting age to this country. And who is in charge of this vetting process that Obama speaks so highly of? They are clerks of the DHS even though they have already stated that there is no way to vet these refugees.
What can we expect from a President that has alienated our allies and treated our adversaries as equals? We have President who is willing to negotiate with the Taliban, and is floating the idea of diplomatic talks with the Islamic State. Almost everyone outside of the Obama administration understands that ISIS will not be defeated diplomatically. ISIS only desire is world domination and a new Caliphate.
This is the same President who abandoned the gains made by our country’s blood and treasure previously in Iraq. President Obama left Iraq at risk solely to make the point that he was not GW Bush. Iraq was on the path to a democratic way of life until Obama abandoned Iraq. And, now we have the Islamic State in Iraq who threatens all. Afghanistan may fall as well, most likely will occur after Obama leaves office, and the next President who is blamed.
Obama has no coherent foreign policy for the protection of this country, nor does he evidence the leadership skills required to do anything but capitulate to the goals of others. Obama’s foreign policy has appeared to be forcing America to be and to look more like Europe. Our foreign policy is adrift and is being damaged worldwide by its show of weakness. This vacuum of leadership has turned the world into a cauldron of fiery attacks with no response from this administration except excuses.
There is no follow through on policy. The “red line” for Syria’s use of chemical weapons was ignored to the point of Obama saying he never said it. This allowed Putin and other world leaders to discount the word of Obama and once again showed his weakness. The opportunities for Russia, China and Iran to change the world to meet their expectations remain unchallenged.
Rather than change his foreign policy as needed Obama spends his time touting his policies that have been proven failures, both foreign and domestic.
Obama appeared as a candidate as an articulate man and was elected our President also on a campaign promise that he could bring people together. He was even awarded a Noble Peace prize before he actually did anything but promise to do something. That campaign promise has been shattered. Race relations have turned ugly, and more and more of the people in this country are choosing to tune out of the challenges that this administration has forced upon us.
There is no substance to Obama; he is nothing more than a community organizer who gives things away for votes. Obama hasn’t proven he can’t do the hard work required of a President of the largest free nation in the world. Obama is more comfortable in dictating what the country and world at large should do. He feels that no one should dispute any of his proclamations, the proclamations of a narcissistic dictator. He is so enthralled with the progressive agendas of the UN and these agenda being forced on the people of America, it appears he would rather be the leader of the UN than of the USA.
The Islamic State is expanding throughout the world including within the United States because they understand that “political correctness” has stolen from the western world the preparedness to win a global struggle. They understand that the progressives worldwide have fallen back into an isolationist mode that attempts to use diplomacy in all circumstances, and with appeasement has lost the will to use force to protect the own citizens.
In the minds of the progressives, this battle is a legal issue, where we should attempt to hold terrorists criminally liable for their actions. They fail to understand that this is a global war, a war of submission, a conflict that will only end in the destruction of one side or the other.
We have a President who sees no conflict in bringing in more refugees. He uses the global refugee situation created by ISIS to attempt to denigrate Republicans by saying they are scared of “widows and orphans.” He doesn’t accept the data that women have been used as suicide bombers and children as young as three are using teddy bears to learn how to slice infidel’s throats.
In closing, let’s look to some of these refugees that had been vetted previous to this mass exodus of refugees we are facing now. There were the Boston Bombers Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. Ramzi Yousef was allowed through JFK Airport without documentation and he plotted the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. There was the refugee Mir Aimal Kansi who committed the CIA headquarters shooting in 1993. Nuradin Abdi was convicted of planning a shopping mall bombing after entering the United States twice. These are but a few of the terrorists that we know of and they were supposedly vetted. How many more are lying in wait? And, with the advent of sanctuary cities, the illegal alien and refugees challenges have been compounded.
Our country is under siege from both threats both outside our borders and within. With a President who evidences little love for this country and prefers for others do the heavy lifting while “leading from behind,” it will be a tumultuous year until Obama is out of the White House. Hopefully, our next President will be one who loves America and respects the Constitution and will lead the new administration in restoring our national security and pride in our country!
John C. Velisek, retired Navy is a California conservative activist writing articles for various publication and is a contributing author to the ARRA News Service. You can follow John's work on @sjspecialist on Twitter and One Patriots Opinion on Facebook.

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