Uncle Sam Doesn't Have A Sugar Daddy
by Herman Cain: Greece goes to the EU. Who do we go to?
I have some good news and some bad news about our national debt. The bad news is, it has now surpassed nineteen trillion dollars. For those of you that may have forgotten your elementary school math, one trillion is a million million dollars. Nineteen TRILLION! That's the bad news.
There's even worse news. Congress voted not only to spend that much money, but they gave themselves a credit card - WITH NO LIMIT.
Now to the Democrat lovers out there and the Democrat voters out there, I know some of you all the sneaking and listening to the show. Nineteen trillion dollars is more than double what it was when Barack Obama took office. More! When Barack Obama came into office the national debt was nine trillion dollars. It is now nineteen trillion. That's more than double. And the first thing that the Democrats want to do - I call them the na na na na na na group - "When George W. Bush increased the deficit...the national debt...he added four point five trillion". We were fighting two wars. He couldn't get it totally under control. But in eight years, it went up four point five trillion dollars.
With President Obama, in his first four, it had already hit just about eighteen trillion dollars. Now I said some good news and some worse news... bad news. There is no good news relative to the national debt. It is insane and it's eventually going to bankrupt this country. People don't believe it. But all you've got to do is think about it. It's real simple. Greece filed for bankruptcy. They ran to the European Union. They couldn't get enough bailout from the European Union, so now they are back asking for more bailout WITHOUT changing their spending ways.
Here's my question, who's going to bail out Uncle Sam When we finally go bankrupt? Uncle Sam does not have a sugar daddy! Tell that to your kids and your grandkids to help wake them up, and don't buy this socialist crap! That's what it is. So the U.S. debt reaches nineteen trillion dollars and the sad part is they have a credit card, our money, with no limit. That's why we've got to have someone new in the White House and their party affiliation can't be Democrat.
Herman Cain is a conservative radio host of CainTV, a 2012 GOP presidential primary candidate with over 40 years of experience in the private sector as an analyst for Coca-Cola, an executive at Pillsbury, a regional Vice President for Burger King, and CEO of Godfather's Pizza. Cain served as Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City and a supervisory mathematician for the Dept. of the Navy.
Tags: Herman Cain, conservative, radio host, CainTV To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. and "Like" Facebook Page - Thanks!
I have some good news and some bad news about our national debt. The bad news is, it has now surpassed nineteen trillion dollars. For those of you that may have forgotten your elementary school math, one trillion is a million million dollars. Nineteen TRILLION! That's the bad news.
There's even worse news. Congress voted not only to spend that much money, but they gave themselves a credit card - WITH NO LIMIT.
Now to the Democrat lovers out there and the Democrat voters out there, I know some of you all the sneaking and listening to the show. Nineteen trillion dollars is more than double what it was when Barack Obama took office. More! When Barack Obama came into office the national debt was nine trillion dollars. It is now nineteen trillion. That's more than double. And the first thing that the Democrats want to do - I call them the na na na na na na group - "When George W. Bush increased the deficit...the national debt...he added four point five trillion". We were fighting two wars. He couldn't get it totally under control. But in eight years, it went up four point five trillion dollars.
With President Obama, in his first four, it had already hit just about eighteen trillion dollars. Now I said some good news and some worse news... bad news. There is no good news relative to the national debt. It is insane and it's eventually going to bankrupt this country. People don't believe it. But all you've got to do is think about it. It's real simple. Greece filed for bankruptcy. They ran to the European Union. They couldn't get enough bailout from the European Union, so now they are back asking for more bailout WITHOUT changing their spending ways.
Here's my question, who's going to bail out Uncle Sam When we finally go bankrupt? Uncle Sam does not have a sugar daddy! Tell that to your kids and your grandkids to help wake them up, and don't buy this socialist crap! That's what it is. So the U.S. debt reaches nineteen trillion dollars and the sad part is they have a credit card, our money, with no limit. That's why we've got to have someone new in the White House and their party affiliation can't be Democrat.
Herman Cain is a conservative radio host of CainTV, a 2012 GOP presidential primary candidate with over 40 years of experience in the private sector as an analyst for Coca-Cola, an executive at Pillsbury, a regional Vice President for Burger King, and CEO of Godfather's Pizza. Cain served as Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City and a supervisory mathematician for the Dept. of the Navy.
Tags: Herman Cain, conservative, radio host, CainTV To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. and "Like" Facebook Page - Thanks!
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