Sec. Kerry: You Don't Have To Be Religious To Be An Islamic Terrorist
by Daniel Greenfield: Ladies and gentlemen, the Secretary of State of the United States.
John Kerry stopped by the Baker Institute for Public Policy at Rice University to address the role of religion and terrorism offering groundbreaking ideas such as, "The more we understand religion and the better able we are as a result to be able to engage religious actors, the more effective our diplomacy will be in advancing the interests and values of our people."
But Kerry warned, "Disclaimer: It is absolutely true the State Department is a secular institution and that, from its founding, the United States has maintained a formal separation, obviously, between church and state, and nothing that we’re doing seeks to or does cross any of those lines. This means that in our foreign policy, we don’t advocate on behalf of any particular set of religious beliefs or express a preference for one faith over another – or even for religious belief over non-belief."
That must be why the entire administration is constantly promoting Islam to the point of Obama telling the head of NASA that his main mission is Muslim self-esteem. But this is followed by boilerplate screeds about how wonderful Islam is, how wrong it is to criticize many Muslims for the actions of a tiny minority and how we're beating ISIS. Which he insists on calling Daesh.
"We have learned that terrorists can emerge from anywhere, including the United States of America and Western Europe," Kerry declares. "You don’t have to be poor or repressed or receive special training to go be one of those recruits. You don’t even have to be religious."
That explains all those secular types joining Islamic terrorist groups and dying to go to Islamic paradise and build an Islamic state.
But Kerry pivots right back to the tired old narrative that not allowing Islamists to take over, causes Islamic terrorism. "For example, multiple studies show a correlation between political repression and the rise of violent extremist organizations."
Is that why Islamic terrorism is growing in America and Europe?
"Witness that fruit vendor in Tunisia who was slapped around trying to sell his goods and slapped by a police officer and in protest went and burned himself in front of the police station, and that is what ignited the Arab Spring – not religion." That explains why Islamists then took over in Tunisia... and Egypt... and Morocco and Yemen, Syria, etc. Not to mention the repeated polls showing widespread support for Islamic law. It's why the Arab Spring climaxed with ISIS.
Daniel Greenfield is Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center and a New York writer focusing on radical Islam. David Horowitz is a Contributing Author of the ARRA News Service
Tags: Daniel Greenfield, FrontPage Mag, John Kerry, Secretary of State,
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John Kerry stopped by the Baker Institute for Public Policy at Rice University to address the role of religion and terrorism offering groundbreaking ideas such as, "The more we understand religion and the better able we are as a result to be able to engage religious actors, the more effective our diplomacy will be in advancing the interests and values of our people."
But Kerry warned, "Disclaimer: It is absolutely true the State Department is a secular institution and that, from its founding, the United States has maintained a formal separation, obviously, between church and state, and nothing that we’re doing seeks to or does cross any of those lines. This means that in our foreign policy, we don’t advocate on behalf of any particular set of religious beliefs or express a preference for one faith over another – or even for religious belief over non-belief."
That must be why the entire administration is constantly promoting Islam to the point of Obama telling the head of NASA that his main mission is Muslim self-esteem. But this is followed by boilerplate screeds about how wonderful Islam is, how wrong it is to criticize many Muslims for the actions of a tiny minority and how we're beating ISIS. Which he insists on calling Daesh.
"We have learned that terrorists can emerge from anywhere, including the United States of America and Western Europe," Kerry declares. "You don’t have to be poor or repressed or receive special training to go be one of those recruits. You don’t even have to be religious."
That explains all those secular types joining Islamic terrorist groups and dying to go to Islamic paradise and build an Islamic state.
But Kerry pivots right back to the tired old narrative that not allowing Islamists to take over, causes Islamic terrorism. "For example, multiple studies show a correlation between political repression and the rise of violent extremist organizations."
Is that why Islamic terrorism is growing in America and Europe?
Daniel Greenfield is Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center and a New York writer focusing on radical Islam. David Horowitz is a Contributing Author of the ARRA News Service

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Eat one of those donuts and keep your mouth shut!
Kerry is an absolute disgrace! At least look up the word you're referencing, before you use it in a statement! Too much technology in the world at the tip of our fingers to make idiotic statements. How about just saying "terrorist," instead of using an adjective that will make your entire statement look asinine!
Have never cared for Kerry...never trusted him, and don't believe anything he says...we have enough LIARS in Washington! And he is one of them!
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