Donald Trump Denounces A Planetary Scam
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Dr. Gérard Pince |
Just as with the invasion of migration and relocations, climate warming is a tool intended to transfer the richness of our compatriots to the poor populations in order to allow multinational companies to sell their wares on the world market. In effect, in the light of these agreements, the Western countries undertake to provide $100 billion per year to the under-developed countries, and this sum is due to increase all five years!
In addition, our economies have imposed on them heavy ecological constraints which are not imposed on the other continents. For example, nothing is planned for stemming the increase delusional massive deforestation by the African nations which poses a greater risk to the resources in humus and in fresh water on the planet. Such a scenario can only impoverish our peoples by destroying jobs by the millions and confirming a low growth as was pointed out quite rightly by the American President.
This financial scam is based on a scientific lie on an unprecedented scale. It is argued that the warming would be due to greenhouse gases emitted by the West and would have increased by 30%. However, the planet has experienced significant climate change well before the emergence of industrial activities. In the Middle Ages, a cooling intervened and the Norse colonies of Greenland disappeared (in Danish, Greenland means "country green").
From the eighteenth century, the temperature has increased again causing a decline of the glaciers. Remember that the cycle of CO2 is based on a balance between its production which emanates from the decomposition of the organic matter and its absorption by the oceans and forests that sequester carbon. Is the 30% increase due to emissions by industry or the massive deforestation undertaken by the under-developed countries? In fact, we do not know the cause of these phenomena which may also result due to solar activity or volcanic eruptions.
The courageous decision of Donald Trump also contemplates the renegotiation or the abandonment of a multitude of multinational agreements which was developed under the auspices of the United Nations. There sole purpose of the UN has been to undermine the power of our western civilization. All lucid persons should welcome President Trump's decision as a first victory against the return of barbarism and the enslavement of our countries
Gérard Pince is French and a resident of Paris. He has a Ph.D, in Economic Development, M.S. in Economics and Finance and a Law Degree. He taught economics and is a retired Director of the Central Bank of France having served in several countries. He is an inventor and French patent holder. He established and serves as Chairman of the Free World Academy. He is an ARRA News Service foreign correspondent and contributing author. [This article was translated from French to English with the aid of both Google Translate and Further clarification was made by the editor.]
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My dear Gerard,
I regret to disagree with you.
Everyone knows that our planet is experiencing cycles of warming and cooling on which men can do nothing.
The fact remains that pollution caused by human activities is increasing and worsening.
What is its share in the warming (which is observed and measured) in relation to the cycles mentioned above? No one knows exactly, nor can we measure the impact that warming may have on the efforts that several countries are determined to make.
But it is vital to reduce this pollution.
Perhaps we should talk about pollution control rather than fight against global warming.
In this regard, I refer you to the memoirs of Charpak (2008), our last Nobel Prize in physics,
He writes that the main environmental problem of the 21st century is whether China will continue to build coal-fired power plants or massively into the nuclear sector. In the absence of this evolution, the future of the planet is, according to Charpak, really threatened.
He also says that French ecologists are not, for the most part, scientists, but politicians.
But the infuriating nature of their politicized discourse does not justify the rejection of policies outlined at the global level aimed at protecting the environment.
That's why I find the decision of Trump totally inopportune and even irresponsible. It's bistro demagogy. Nationalism does not excuse everything.
We can also foresee that it will cause a wave of protests emanating from scientists and even industrialists seeing a little further than the tip of their noses.
Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to give you a paper on a recent Communication of the Academy of Sciences on energy transition.
In order to respond to the antinuclear hordes that highlight the Fukushima disaster, one might add that it may not be an excellent idea to install a nuclear power plant at the seaside in a probably the most seismic location in the world!
Paraphrasing what Jean Raspail (in The Camp of the Saints) said about the problems of the Third World, let us say that to caress the soft skin of his wife by drinking a whiskey is the only reasonable thing to do when debating the problems of the " Ecology in France.
Hello Gérard Pince, hello Antoine Baux,
Allow an old naval officer to put a grain of salt in this politico, economico scientific discussion of high level.
In my humble opinion you both are both wrong and right, and you do not disagree as much as you say except on the method.
Donald Trump had a thousand reasons to denounce the Paris agreements, based on a monumental scientific, economic and political fraud.
This is the first stunt given to Al Gore's offensive and accomplices. I hope it will be effective and will deflate the bladder.
That said, it is true that to "save the planet" it is against the various forms of pollution that we must fight. But for this there is no need for great masses and international agreements, especially if they lead to massive transfers of fictitious money since almost all the states are in debts. Everyone can clean the house, and it is in his interest. It is not the Paris agreements that are the driving force behind the evolution of China's policy in this area. Let's stop doing Don Quixote by fighting against windmills ... and building windmills.
That states set rules to respect is their function. But let them be careful not to distort economic networks by subsidizing anything for ideological, political, or even sordid reasons.
The reports of the Academy of Sciences deserve a wider circulation! They would also benefit from being more square in their language.
Very cordially.
Signed: Francis WEISS
Well said Francis, totally agree. Let's talk about real pollution and not international scam.
Well, I agree with Francis.
There is a lot of pollution. This is a problem that every community must address.
The climate, until proven otherwise, does not belong to the man who is content to adapt to variations.
Thank you very much for this well translated article. Trump is rght to demand Germany pay its required share on NATO. France is profoundly engaged in military operations in Africa against terrorisme. Germany does nothing and just make business!
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