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Tuesday, August 07, 2018

The Democrat Party’s War on America and Our Constitution - Part 2

The following is Part 2 of a 4 part series.
by Jim Mullen, Contributing Author:
  • Healthcare: Barack Obama, the Democrat Party, and other progressive Marxists designed Obamacare as income redistribution and social justice programs. It destroyed jobs and devastated the world’s finest healthcare system. Government successfully placed federal bureaucrats between patients and their doctors. After falling under heavy-handed government, costs skyrocketed, and government decided who lives, who dies, and how much pain Americans must endure. One salient point must be hammered home; Obamacare was never about providing quality healthcare to the nation. Rather, it was a foothold designed by tyrannical government to control American lives and wealth, knowing full well that healthcare would suffer and lives would be lost.
  • Democrat Welfare Plantations: A ‘helping hand-up’ public assistance policy morphed into a generational welfare state for the sole purpose of keeping people on the welfare plantation and voting for Democrats. The welfare plantation, created in large part, by a racist southern Democrat, Lynden Johnson, destroyed multi-generations of families and left them with almost no chance of upward mobility. Poor whites and blacks are seldom provided opportunities to enjoy the blessings that liberty affords, and that has always been the diabolical plan of Democrats. Progressives reason that creating a permanent Democrat Party voting bloc is worth sacrificing and enslaving millions of Americans.

    Addiction to government has led to the destruction of more lives than drugs and alcohol. There is little doubt that government dependency is the gateway to most of the catastrophic conditions of the welfare class, including lack of self-esteem and pride. Lack of hope follows, and contributes mightily to the increase in suicide.
  • Racist Democrats and Affirmative Action: The Democrat Party is historically the party of racism. Our nation no longer classifies, promotes, or hires people using skill, education, or ability. Thanks to race hustler Barack Obama and Democrat leftist ideology, race, gender, and low test scores determines admission to college, as well as hiring and advancement in government and corporate America. This idiocy is poisonous, and leads to deadly incompetence in every government bureaucracy and private enterprise.

    Additionally, minorities elevated to undeserved and unsustainable positions are set up for failure. How does this policy help minorities that qualify legitimately without an unfair boost when people question their authenticity? Likewise, how is any of this fair to Asians or whites who find they are unqualified because of their race? Moreover, will future customers, patients, and clients look at minority professionals or workers with a negative slant and believe they might be incompetent or ill-equipped for their occupation?

    Few policies are more racist and debilitating than Democrats tacitly telling blacks, “There, there, we know you cannot make it without liberal Democrat’s assistance, and we are here to help you.”

    Attached to every race-fixing program, there is overt and covert racism. When liberal fix-it fingers touch anything or anyone, we can count on another boondoggle of contorted, twisted, and tyrannical ideas that never work for the better of anyone. Liberals are infamous for pretending to fit a square peg into a round hole, and then employing blistering and withering lies and epithets attacking anyone pointing out their fakery.

    Illegally granting special rights to certain groups is much easier than providing everyone with a complete, comprehensive classical education. Of course, providing a good education would ruin the left’s scheme to keep society indoctrinated and under the thumb of dictatorial politicians and bureaucrats.
  • Electoral College: The Framers were wary of giving people the power of directly electing a President because they realized smaller states would become inconsequential since large population centers would overwhelm them. States' rights have long been a problem for liberal progressives’ ambitions of creating an omnipresent federal government controlling every aspect of American life. Our Founders were adamant in their belief that individual states be self-sustaining and self-governing with limited power given to a central authority. The Electoral College is essential for states’ rights as well as national security.

    The Framers were judicious in their concerns about electing Presidents by simple national majority. A mere handful of cities and states would have power to elect every President.
  • Democrats and public unions: Nearly 700 of New York City school teachers charged with various offenses are still being paid their full salaries to do nothing. Many of the teachers sit around and surf the Internet or play scrabble or anything else they choose to do. They still get summer vacation, weekends and holidays off, throughout the school year. These teachers collect their full salaries of $70,000 and up, and the city Department of Education estimates this costs the taxpayers $65 million a year. The department blames union rules, saying; their union’s contract makes it next to impossible to fire them. Because the private sector must show a profit, unreasonable demands by unions drive jobs to other states or overseas. Unfortunately, many unionized, public employees have no incentive for efficiency, or to provide good service and couldn’t care less about the taxpayers who pay their salaries. Therefore, most government agencies are overstaffed, inefficient and bloated; not to mention surly and uncivil toward those to whom they should be ultimately responsible. Behavior that private business finds intolerable, the government views as standard operating procedure. Even uber progressive, Franklin Roosevelt, understood the disastrous consequences of allowing public employees to unionize and bargain with the government. Public-sector unions are bankrupting states and the federal government. Moreover, politicians beholding to corrupt unions create permanent deep-state, tyrannical bureaucracies unaccountable to any authority. It should not surprise anyone that nearly all political contributions by public unions, grease the palms of Democrats. Taxpayers have no seat at the bargaining table, but must always pay the bill.
  • Democrats and LGBTQ: Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer groups have aligned with the radical Democrat Party in a national campaign to enact laws and ordinances that violate the Constitution. In the name of “fairness," these fascist regulations are designed and deliberately written as in-your-face efforts to cause upheaval and strife between LGBTQ groups and people of religious or moral convictions. Examples abound of bakers, photographers, and others, not only being driven out of business, but being financially ruined personally by the party’s insane oppressive laws. Creating rights for selective groups is unconstitutional, as is denying constitutional rights to citizens who make choices Democrats find disdainful.

    One of the most odious results of special rights for LGBTQ led to a series of unlawful determinations by unelected judges. Out of control liberal courts require school authorities and others to mandate shared communal showers, locker rooms, and toilet facilities for all young people. Opposition to these rulings is always met with cries of ‘hateful, homophobic, behavior’ directed at all dissenters.
(To be continued . . . View Part 1 article)
Jim Mullen is a West Virginia conservative activist and a contributing author to the ARRA News Service

Tags: Jim Mullen, Democrat Party’s War, On America and Our Constitution, Part 2 To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service and "Like" Facebook Page - Thanks!
Posted by Bill Smith at 3:00 PM - Post Link


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