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Thursday, February 20, 2020

Las Vegas Brawl, Trump Honors Our Heroes, 1776 Unites

Gary Bauer
by Gary Bauer, Contributing Author: The Las Vegas Brawl
Last night's Democrat debate was a bare-knuckles brawl right from the beginning. Barely three minutes into the debate, Elizabeth Warren came out swinging and landed multiple punches on Michael Bloomberg. Here are some brief observations:
  • I couldn't help but think last night how humiliating it had to be for Mike Bloomberg to raise his hand to get the moderators to call on him. At one point, he asked in sheer frustration, "What am I, chicken liver?" Well, that's the most expensive chicken liver in history.
  • Bloomberg has already spent more than $300 million and is prepared to spend $1 billion or more. Some of his campaign staff are making more than $30,000 a month, and there are reports that he has guaranteed them that salary through November, whether he's the nominee or not. My advice to the New York billionaire: Fire whomever prepped you for the debate. They clearly did not earn their $30,000 this month.
  • Amy Klobuchar and Pete Buttigieg went at each other regularly and intensely. Are they both competing to be vice president?
  • Joe Biden did better last night than he has in previous debates, but that's not saying much. He really struggled during his response on climate change, and even touted one of Obama's failed green energy boondoggles as a model of success.
  • Bernie Sanders had to be thankful last night that Bloomberg was there. It kept everyone else from going after him. Sanders is after all the frontrunner in the national polls, leading Biden by double digits.
Speaking of Sanders, he was endorsed today by Emgage PAC, the nation's largest Muslim political action committee. You don't get the endorsement of a group like that unless they are certain you are anti-Israel, and will, as Barack Obama did, reorient America's foreign policy away from Israel and toward countries like Iran.

Not surprisingly, Sanders has also been endorsed by anti-Semites Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib and Linda Sarsour.

Down But Not Out
In spite of being the clear target of every candidate on the stage last night, you cannot count out someone with Bloomberg's resources. It's worth noting that exponentially more Americans have seen and heard pro-Bloomberg ads than watched last night's disastrous performance.

But while Bloomberg is winning some praise for his defense of capitalism, don't confuse him for a moderate.

He wants to rejoin Obama's absurd Paris Climate Accord and the Iran nuclear deal.

He wants to take away your Second Amendment rights.

He's all in on abortion on demand.

He's an apologist for communist China.

And he's got lots of other crazy ideas like taxing the poor.

Trump Honors Our Heroes
Last night's Democrat food fight was a striking contrast to the 15,000 cheering patriots at Donald Trump's Arizona rally, which took place at the same time.

There was an incredibly moving moment during the rally when two men carried, Ervin Julian, a 100 year-old World War II veteran, to a seat near the stage. This man fought real fascists, not imaginary fascists the Antifa mob beats up.

I'm sure many Americans were very emotional watching that scene. They probably remembered a father or grandfather who served in World War II. I know it reminded me of my deceased father, Spike Bauer, who fought in the South Pacific, and my uncle, Ed Webber, who fought in Europe.

Sadly, there are many Americans who have no clue about that history. But when Trump says he wants to make America great again, he's talking about Ervin Julian. He's talking about restoring our country to the greatness of the Greatest Generation.

While the left obsesses over America's flaws, it is imperative that we remind our children and grandchildren about our country's tremendous accomplishments, including the importance of winning World War II. Just imagine if we had lost. The world would have sunk into complete darkness.

Having saved the world from Hitler's fascism and Soviet communism, it should be easy to make the case that America is a great nation, full of good and decent people.

1776 Unites
I am pleased to report that a group of scholars has come together to defend our nation. They are specifically rebutting the absurd claims of the 1619 Project, launched by the New York Times, to recast America as a racist nation founded on the evil of slavery. (The first African slaves arrived in America in 1619.) Public schools across the country are embracing this fiction and teaching it as fact in their classrooms.

Many historians have spoken out against the 1619 Project. And now several of the nation's preeminent black scholars, pastors and activists are pushing back too, and speaking up for America through what they are calling "1776."

These black scholars are offering "alternative perspectives that celebrate the progress America has made." They are also working to "highlight the resilience of its people."

As Professor Glenn Loury noted, it is wrong to blame American for slavery because, "Slavery was a fact of human civilization since antiquity. Abolition is the new idea. . . a Western idea not possible without the democratic institutions that were built in 1776."

Robert Woodson, one of the principals behind 1776, blasted the negative message coming from the New York Times, saying that it "discourages blacks" and that "nothing is more lethal than a good excuse for failing." He said the creators of the 1619 Project "don't believe in America," adding "I get the impression that they don't believe in black people."

Another participant in 1776 is former Vanderbilt Professor Carol Swain, who has done outstanding research on the impact of illegal immigration on the black community. Swain slammed the 1619 Project for offering a "very crippling message to our children."

Please, talk to your children about what they are being taught in their schools about America. If they are being exposed to the 1619 Project, contact their teachers, school administrators and your local school board members and insist that they incorporate material from 1776 for a more balanced and accurate history of America.
Gary Bauer (@GaryLBauer)  is a conservative family values advocate and serves as president of American Values and chairman of the Campaign for Working Families

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Posted by Bill Smith at 3:25 PM - Post Link


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