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One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Trump’s Coronavirus Update, The Battle Over Columbus, More Chinese Infiltration . . . .Biden Stays Silent As Churches Attacked, Biden Courts Anti-Semite Linda Sarsour

. . . Biden Stays Silent As Churches Attacked, Biden Courts Anti-Semite Linda Sarsour (Note: Update for July 21-22, 2020)
Gary Bauer
by Gary Bauer: Trump’s Coronavirus Update
President Trump resumed the Coronavirus Task Force briefings yesterday, appearing alone to talk to reporters in the White House briefing room.

Trump avoided being drawn into debates with reporters who attend the briefings with the goal of making news and advancing their careers by getting into heated exchanges with the president.

Instead, Trump reviewed the challenges we still face as a nation, predicting that the virus may get worse before it gets better. But he also talked about the progress that’s been made — and it’s been extraordinary.

Trump corrected some misperceptions about the virus that, like the virus itself, never seem to go away. He emphasized that 90 percent of those hospitalized with the virus had underlying medical conditions. He also stressed that the chances of children succumbing to Covid-19 are vanishingly small. He further mentioned that, despite what the media would have us believe, coronavirus fatalities nationwide have not been surging. In fact, they’ve fallen 75 percent since mid-April. That’s partly because testing capacity has increased 400 percent since mid-May. Trump also noted that his administration currently has zero unfilled requests for medical equipment, including ventilators.

The administration is working with Congress to advance the next economic relief package. It is also providing major investments in companies that are developing a vaccine so that, once a breakthrough occurs, it can be manufactured and dispersed quickly. The president touted the tremendous progress being made toward developing a vaccine for the virus, noting that two vaccine candidates are entering their final stage of clinical trials this month.

It’s plausible that a vaccine could be announced before Election Day. The reason I mention Election Day should be obvious. The media and Trump’s political opponents believe they can defeat him over a virus that originated in China even though they’ve offered nothing specific about what they would have done differently.

In fact, they opposed Trump when he cut off travel from China in January, a decision that saved countless lives.

How political are they making it? When the president called it the “Chinese virus,” Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden and the media were furious. They accused him of smearing China. Yesterday, Pelosi referred to it as the “Trump virus.” Predictably, that smear was met with silence by the media.

If only America’s political leaders were as united in fighting this virus as they are in destroying the president and protecting communist China.

The Battle Over Columbus
Often when the word “battle” is used in politics, it’s not meant to be taken literally but as a metaphor for the intense debate between conservatives and progressives. But more and more, the struggle between those who love America and those who want to tear it down, root and branch, resembles an actual military conflict.

That’s because the left is increasingly willing to take up arms against anything they oppose — the police, monuments to America’s founding, Donald Trump, etc.

Here’s the latest example. Chicago police on Monday showed footage of an organized riot at a monument to Christopher Columbus near Grant Park. The video shows rioters armed with weapons attacking police. But these weren’t anarchists randomly attacking whoever they could get their hands on. This was an extremely well-organized riot that had the hallmarks of a military operation.

The video shows hundreds of protestors proceeding behind banners held up by metal piping with slogans such as “Black Lives Matter” and “Defund the Police.”

Once the protestors got to Grant Park, the banners were held up to shield the group behind them, who opened umbrellas, changed into all-black clothing and began handing out rocks, frozen cans and frozen water bottles among the mob.

The rioters then moved toward the statue in what the police superintendent later described as “a platoon-like fashion.” The rioters attacked the cops for 30 minutes with the metal piping and the projectiles. They restocked the rioters from shopping carts throughout the attack. Some 49 officers suffered injuries, including one who suffered an eye injury when he was hit by an incendiary device.

This was, in effect, a military operation. The tragedy here is that most Americans will never learn about this incident. They wouldn’t have heard about it in any of the mainstream national media outlets. Kudos to Breitbart for bringing it to the public’s attention.

This is one more indication that the forces rioting in cities across the nation are much more dangerous than they are being portrayed.

More Chinese Infiltration
The Justice Department has identified two Chinese hackers who were engaged in a hacking campaign into the computer systems of hundreds of American companies and the U.S. government. In some cases, the hackers stole information on behalf of the communist Chinese government. The hacking campaign targeted, among others, high tech manufacturing, medical device, pharmaceuticals and defense companies. More recently, the hackers were in the middle of trying to hack computer networks of companies developing Covid-19 vaccines, treatments and testing technology.

Later in the day, the Trump Administration ordered the Chinese government to close its consulate in Houston, Texas, because we have evidence that for years they have been involved in the theft of intellectual property and other nefarious activity against the U.S. government and American citizens.

Within hours of this announcement, the Houston Fire Department was called to the consulate, where smoke was seen rising from an outdoor courtyard. Footage broadcast on local TV stations showed people hurriedly burning documents on the consulate’s premises.

There are likely hundreds or thousands of Chinese doing this type of espionage within our borders. The two indicted Chinese nationals had been hacking into our networks since early in the Obama administration. The Obama-Biden Administration didn’t take this seriously. Finally, we have an administration that is.

Biden Stays Silent As Churches Attacked
We are living in strange and disturbing times. This week former Vice President Joe Biden received presidential endorsements from several major Muslim organizations and some very questionable individuals, including Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.).

Omar has made a name for herself for hating on America, the country that took her in as a refugee from war-torn Somalia and allowed her to ascend to the halls of Congress.

Biden told the groups that he intends to end what he called “the vile Muslim ban” on day one of his presidency. Fact check: There is no Muslim ban. President Trump instituted a temporary ban on people entering the United States from countries known to be hotbeds of terrorism. Some of those countries are majority Muslim, but others, including Venezuela and North Korea, are not.

The Supreme Court upheld the president’s travel ban in 2018. The majority wrote that the ban was “squarely within the scope of Presidential authority.” But Joe Biden has never let the facts get in the way of a good talking point.

Meanwhile, I’m struck by the silence of many on the left, including Biden and much of the mainstream media, amid a rash of attacks against Catholic churches over the last 10 days.

Catholic churches across the country have been targets of arson, vandalism and destruction of religious statues. Most recently, a satanic symbol was painted on the door of a historic church in New Haven, Connecticut.

Earlier in San Gabriel, California, a fire gutted the interior of the centuries-old San Gabriel Mission Church. And in Ocala, Florida, a man crashed a minivan through the front door of a conservative Catholic church, then lit the interior ablaze while parishioners prepared for morning Mass.

With each attack, it’s becoming clearer that the verbal threats of far-left protestors in recent weeks against churches were more than empty words. They were a call to destructive action.

As a commissioner on the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF), I have tried to draw attention to the danger that attacks on places of worship pose to the future of the society where such attacks take place.

Now, sadly, we are experiencing them here. Attacks on places of worship are often precursors to attacks on worshippers themselves. It’s revealing that Biden, who touts his Catholic faith at nearly every opportunity, hasn’t said a thing as Catholic churches have been attacked across the country. Shame on him for remaining silent.

Evangelical churches don’t appear to have been targeted, at least not yet. But they have been in the past. So have synagogues.

So, don’t be deceived. The radical forces that have been unleashed will come after all of us unless they are stopped. Men and women of faith must remember the wise words of Ben Franklin, who said that if we don’t hang together, most assuredly, we will all hang separately.

How Radical Are Today’s Dems?
The answer: “Very radical.”

A recent Washington Post poll on police, U.S. history and related issues was revealing. Among other things, it found:

1.By 55% to 40%, the public does not want to reduce funding for police departments. Some 84% of Republicans, 53% of independents and 48% of Hispanics opposed cuts. But 59% of Democrats want to cut police funding.

2.By 52% to 43%, Americans oppose removing statues honoring confederate generals. That includes 80% of Republicans, 56% of independents and 60% of whites. In contrast, 74% of Democrats want the statues removed.

3.Similar large majorities of the public opposed racial reparations and taking down statues of U.S. presidents/Founding Fathers who owned slaves. The Democrats were on the wrong side of these issues too, but the Post did not provide the exact numbers.
Biden Courts Anti-Semite Linda Sarsour
Remember Linda Sarsour? She is the Palestinian-American radical who has a history of anti-Semitic rhetoric. She is also an ally of Jew-hating Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan.

In spite of her extremism and history of hate, Sarsour was one of several Muslim political activists on a recent phone call with Biden when he promised to end the “Muslim ban.”

Sarsour reportedly said during the call that the upcoming election is “about whether you want to defeat fascism in America.” She and the other leaders said they “promise to turn out one million Muslim votes for Biden.”

I know you don’t want to let Biden and these radicals take the White House!

We're doing everything we can to expose Biden's extremism, support the Trump/Pence team and help elect more conservatives to Congress.
Gary Bauer (@GaryLBauer)  is a conservative family values advocate and serves as president of American Values and chairman of the Campaign for Working Families

Tags: Gary Bauer, Campaign for Working Families, Trump’s Coronavirus Update, The Battle Over Columbus, More Chinese Infiltration, Biden Stays Silent, As Churches Attacked, Biden Courts, Anti-Semite Linda Sarsour To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service and "Like" Facebook Page - Thanks!
Posted by Bill Smith at 4:00 PM - Post Link


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