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Tuesday, December 01, 2020

The Real War On Women, A Divisive Choice, Twitter Bows To Communist China

Gary Bauer
by Gary Bauer: The Real War On Women Yesterday we mentioned the absurd media reaction to Joe Biden doing what President Trump has already done – appointing an all-female press team. But I neglected to make the most important point.

Not only did the president have female press secretaries and media advisers during his four years, they were harassed, smeared and libeled by the same crowd that is now extolling Biden.

Kellyanne Conway, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Hope Hicks and Kayleigh McEnany have been bullied, and their families have been threatened. Some of have been accosted when they went out in public. They have been called liars. No one cared that they are working mothers.

The left constantly harps about a "war on women." Well, there is a war on women alright – a war on conservative women. Conway, Sanders, Hicks and McEnany can give you first-person accounts of what it is like to be a pro-life, God-fearing conservative woman in American public life today.

The media should be ashamed of its gross double standards. But as one commentator likes to say, if the left didn't have double standards it would have no standards at all!

A Divisive Choice
Another of Joe Biden's nominees is running into major opposition. Neera Tanden, Biden's choice to lead the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), currently serves as president of the Center for American Progress, a far-left think tank founded by Clinton loyalist John Podesta.

After Buzzfeed broke the news about the fake Steele dossier, Tanden launched the "Moscow Project" to promote the dossier. She repeatedly defended the accuracy of the dossier even though it was totally false and full of Russian disinformation. Incredibly, Tanden even defended the FBI's abuse of the FISA courts.

Tanden's position as director of OMB requires Senate confirmation. But Tanden praised Stacey Abrams after she referred to Majority Leader Mitch McConnell as "Moscow Mitch." Sen. Lindsey Graham called Tanden "a nutjob," and for good reason. She's been busy deleting past offensive tweets, more than a thousand of them!

And this is Biden's nominee, the man who claims he wants to unite the country?

Speaking Of Offensive Tweets. . .

Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) is also busy deleting offensive tweets. Over the weekend, she retweeted a post celebrating the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian people. But the post also included the anti-Semitic phrase, "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free."

As our friends at the Washington Free Beacon noted, that phrase is widely used by terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah because it is a call for the destruction of the entire state of Israel. And if Israel ceased to exist, what would become of the nearly 7 million Jews who live there?

I am not aware of any statement of condemnation from Speaker Pelosi regarding Tlaib's latest anti-Semitic outburst. Tlaib was also called out last week for attacking Antony Blinken, Biden's nominee to be secretary of state, who happens to be Jewish.

Sadly, given Tlaib's well-documented record of anti-Semitism, I'm certain this won't be her last call for the elimination of Israel.

Twitter Bows To Communist China
As we have previously reported, communist China is taking increasingly aggressive actions against Australia due to its alliance with the United States, support for democratic values and human rights, as well as Australia's call for an independent and thorough investigation of COVID-19.

The latest incident involves a tweet from the spokesman of the communist Chinese foreign ministry that depicted an Australian soldier beheading a child. The picture is fake, and it has been condemned by Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison as an "outrageous and disgusting slur." Other nations, including France, have condemned the Chinese tweet.

But Twitter refuses to block it, merely labeling it as "sensitive." Even though Chinese citizens are banned from using Twitter, the tech platform allows communist leaders to tweet whatever they want, while censoring legitimate news stories and almost anything President Trump says about the election.

This is just another example of how corporate America's desire to do business with communist China is changing us, not China.

And it gets worse. Major U.S. corporations like Apple, Nike and Coca-Cola are lobbying against legislation that would ban Chinese products made from forced labor, including the concentration camps where millions of Chinese Uyghur Muslims are imprisoned.

I can appreciate a business's desire to lower labor costs. But no American company should be defending slave labor from communist Chinese concentration camps!

Second Amendment At Stake
Raphael Warnock, a Democrat candidate in one of the Georgia Senate runoff elections, has said a lot of bizarre things. The latest revelation from Warnock is that he mocked the idea of churchgoers exercising their Second Amendment rights in order to protect their churches.

There have been several incidents in recent years where people carrying firearms in church prevented a mass slaughter. It's unfortunate that a parishioner wasn't armed when Dylann Roof opened fire at Mother Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina.

Most Americans understand that we have nothing to fear from law-abiding citizens exercising their rights. What we do fear is armed criminals with no respect for the law and no one around to stop them.

Unfortunately, today's left, which embraces the "defund the police" movement, seems to have it backwards. They want to empty the jails while restricting our rights. That mentality isn't working out so-well in New York City, Dallas, Minneapolis or Seattle.

To our friends in Georgia: No matter how angry you may be at the GOP leadership in your state, do not boycott the upcoming Senate runoff elections.

It makes no sense to claim we can punish Governor Kemp by handing the Senate to Kamala Harris, Chuck Schumer and Bernie Sanders, who will punish the entire country with their radical policies, including extreme gun control legislation.
Gary Bauer (@GaryLBauer)  is a conservative family values advocate and serves as president of American Values and chairman of the Campaign for Working Families
Tags: Gary Bauer, Campaign for Working Families, The Real War On Women, A Divisive Choice, Twitter Bows To Communist China To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service and "Like" Facebook Page - Thanks!
Posted by Bill Smith at 4:10 PM - Post Link


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