
Friday, July 31, 2020

America is the Culmination of 5000 Years of Human Efforts at Government

Patrick L. Booth
by Patrick L. Booth, Contributing Author: America is still the single most prosperous, free, and desirable country in which to live in the entire history of mankind. It’s funny, disgusting, and asinine that entire groups of people worldwide still think Socialism, a virulent form of totalitarianism, is somehow useful and a good form of governance.

Still, we have politicians and political groups that not only denigrate our Republic but actively work toward our dissolution and destruction while advocating socialism in its various forms. We call them democrats but know they are actually progressives, socialists, communists, and fools that are masquerading as democrats.

Socialism and its derivatives', communism and progressivism, are GOD hating forms of secularism that worship power of individuals over anything else. “With secularism’s triumph, we Americans have no common religion, no common faith, no common font of moral truth. We disagree on what is right and wrong, moral and immoral …. But how, then, do we remain on nation and one people?” said Pat Buchanan.

In fact and practice, we are not and cannot be one single united nation so long as we refuse to accept even the slightest proofs of a superior or supernatural being, a GOD who most believe the creator of the Universe but allow a vocal minority to keep us from publicly acknowledging or worshipping that Creator.

The socialist minority which only worships power is willing to accept religions that denigrate the Creator, destroy the fabric of our Republic, divide believers into separate groups, preach racism and racial divides based upon skin colors and native languages, and any other idea that they find destructive to our National cohesiveness.

There are certainly some of that group who stab the US in the back, mainly for money but whose motivations remain suspect. Back in the 30’s and 40’s there were those for whom communism looked like the leading wave of human history but those thoughts and those believers are mainly just as dead as Lenin and Marx are today. Communism is a dying idea, except in the minds of those that need it to be a source of their personal power. Perhaps there are a few who have never been exposed to any other ideas (such as North Korea and many in Communist China) but Socialism is so easily refuted by history books that no reasonable nor educated person would accept it.

But, to promote personal power, our universities, professors, and schools still teach it’s efficacy as promoting equality which our media types regard as a positive quality. Political correctness is today’s socialist methodology for promoting a pervasive inequality that favors the elite, politicians and their sycophants, while denigrating all that made the USA the desirable wonder of the world.

Religion, Christianity and Jesus Christ the Savior of mankind, cannot be allowed to be taught, publicly accepted, promoted, nor be nationally acknowledged if communism, socialism, progressivism, nor secularism and their derivatives' are to be the central focus and sources of personal power of the elitists who are our rulers. Though no single Christian religious sect is perfect, all are founded upon the faith in an Almighty God who promotes love and charity.

Therefore, religion, the constitution and the history of our founding must be torn apart and reinstituted as evil ideas by new communists masquerading as democrats so public cohesiveness as one nation is destroyed. The doctrine of separation of church and state arose even though its basis was never part of our founding documents, laws, nor principles. Anything that unites the people or that promotes a nationalism must be denigrated so the divisive socialists can more easily gain power by pitting specific groups against other groups through claims of racism and false inequality. The democrats acknowledge no power as higher than the party they serve as does Communism and Socialism at the party’s philosophical basis.

Today's’ Democrat politicians are scofflaws ignoring the constitution, rule of law, morality, decency, integrity, honesty, and patriotism while promoting racism, divisiveness,and PC. They own DC and run Congress making huge amounts of monies individually and enjoying the perks of office while decrying everyone else who might upset their political powers which are making them rich. If the USA is to continue as a free, prosperous, and cohesive country then the democrat party and its socialism must be refuted and destroyed.

That there are weak and incompetent Republicans goes without saying just as there are weak and incompetent individuals in any society. But the GOP is not and has never been philosophically socialist nor openly divisive in its politics. There are alternative political parties that are dedicated to preserving personal liberty and our Constitutional Republic such as the Constitution Party. None are as dangerous, dedicated to the destruction of our nation, personal liberties, our Constitution, nor racists policies as is the Democrat Party of today. To vote democrat is to invite lawlessness, evil, and our destruction.
Patrick "PL" Booth is a contributor to the ARRA News Service. He is a constitutional conservative blogger at The View from Blue Eye.

Tags: PL Booth, The Blue Eye View, America, Culmination of 5000 Years, Human Efforts at Government To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service and "Like" Facebook Page - Thanks!

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