Hillary Wants to be the First President to March in Gay Pride Parade
Bill Smith, Editor:
The Democrats are getting desperate. Recently, Barack Obama issued an open letter to the homosexual community vowing his support for the homosexual agenda, including the full repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act. However, in an interview with the Washington Blade, a homosexual newspaper, Hillary Clinton had already beaten him to the punch by stating that if elected, she would be the first U.S. president to march in a "gay rights" parade:
Tags: Barack Obama, gay marriage, gay parade, Hillary Clinton To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!

Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (N.Y.) reiterated her “strong” support for a range of gay rights initiatives in an exclusive interview with the Washington Blade on Sunday. She called for extending federal recognition to same-sex couples, repealing “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” and rejected claims that she doesn’t speak forcefully enough on gay issues . . . “I talk about gay issues frequently,” she said. “I’ve been a longtime friend of the gay community . . .To quote Gary Bauyer, "If elected, maybe she can also march next to the North American Man Boy Love Association's float!" See also: Washington Blade endorses Hillary for President: "As gay Rep. Barney Frank told the Blade last summer, 'all the Democrats are very good and all the Republicans are very terrible.' . . . She has marched in our Pride parades, promised unprecedented access to her administration and backed nearly all of our issues. Clinton has earned the support of gay voters in 2008."
Clinton and Obama have both said they oppose same-sex marriage. The substantive distinction between their positions is that Obama has called for a full repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act, while Clinton supports repealing only the section that prohibits the federal government from recognizing same-sex couples. She again defended that position as a necessary means of thwarting efforts at passing a federal constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage. . . . She repeated her call for a repeal of Section 3 of DOMA, because it prohibits the federal government from recognizing decisions made by the states in terms of enacting civil unions, domestic partnerships or, in the case of Massachusetts, full marriage rights.
“I think extending federal benefits is a very important step forward,” she said. “I don’t see why a same-sex couple in California, which has a domestic partnership law, should be able to take advantage of the Family Medical Leave Act if one of them is ill, while a couple in another state without such a law cannot. I would like to see federal benefits extended to same-sex couples that meet certain standards of commitment regardless of the state in which they reside. Too many couples cannot share life decisions, or jointly own property or take care of one another within a recognized legal framework. I want to change that.”
. . . She also said she would become the first U.S. president to march in a Gay Pride parade and that she had not heard about former Vice President Al Gore’s recent video endorsement of same-sex marriage.
Tags: Barack Obama, gay marriage, gay parade, Hillary Clinton To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
Are you surprised? Her sexuality has been questioned for years...
I posted about it a long time ago at my old blog
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