Updated: Romney Wins Wyoming Caucuses
Tags: GOP, Mitt Romney, Republicans, Wyoming To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
News Blog for social, fiscal & national security conservatives who believe in God, family & the USA. Upholding the rights granted by God & guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution, traditional family values, "republican" principles / ideals, transparent & limited "smaller" government, free markets, lower taxes, due process of law, liberty & individual freedom. Content approval rests with the ARRA News Service Editor. Opinions are those of the authors. While varied positions are reported, beliefs & principles remain fixed. No revenue is generated for or by this "Blog" - no paid ads - no payments for articles. Fair Use Doctrine is posted & used. Blogger/Editor/Founder: Bill Smith, Ph.D. [aka: OzarkGuru & 2010 AFP National Blogger of the Year] Contact: editor@arranewsservice.com (Pub. Since July, 2006) Home Page Follow @arra |
Saturday, January 05, 2008Updated: Romney Wins Wyoming Caucuses
Updated 1/7/08 Final delegate adjustments: Former Gov. Mitt Romney won the Wyoming Republican presidential caucus on Saturday, taking twelve of the state's 14 delegates with nearly all precincts reporting, according to a state party official. Former Sen. Fred Thompson of Tennessee won two delegates. Tom Sansonetti, a Republican organizer, said. "Wyoming is getting a chance to elect the first delegates in the United States." He identified that Iowa actually chooses its national convention delegates in April, not with last week's caucuses.
Tags: GOP, Mitt Romney, Republicans, Wyoming To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks! NH GOP Pulls Out of Fox GOP Forum
CONCORD – New Hampshire Republican Party Chairman Fergus Cullen released the following statement regarding Sunday’s Republican forum on FOX:
The first-in-the-nation New Hampshire primary serves a national purpose by giving all candidates an equal opportunity on a level playing field. Only in New Hampshire do lesser known, lesser funded underdogs have a fighting chance to establish themselves as national figures. Consistent with that tradition, we believe all recognized major candidates should have an equal opportunity to participate in pre-primary debates and forums.Visit the New Hampshire GOP website to leave a supporting comment on this issue. We appreciate the NH GOP taking a stand when the Fox News choose to not comply with the NH GOP's stated requirements for a debate of their Party's candidates within New Hampshire. Tags: ABC News, debate, Fox News, GOP, New Hampshire, Republican To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks! CEO & Chief Editors Need to Address Issues at The Political![]() One source we follow for political news is The Political. But with their partnering with CBS (a liberal media source), there seems to be slipping in their reporting. It appears that Politico has elected to play its own website game, "Politico's KingMaker," in its journalism. This is blatantly clear in its recent reporting related to the Fred Thompson campaign. The Political has repeatedly made incorrect, definitely misleading and possibly "fraudulent" comments about Fred Thompson and the Fred Thompson campaign. As identified above, we understand bias but be intellectually honest and straight forward on your bias. Stop your reporters from making up things as they go. If The Political is being mislead by sources, then obviously they are not doing well. If they are not being misled by sources, shame on The Politicol for false reporting! It is time for Frederick Ryan, The Politcol CEO, to do some house cleaning. What is going on John Harris and Jim VandeHei? As The Politico's principle editors what are you doing to improve accurate reporting? The Politico still has not corrected its "firehouse story," despite video evidence that the story was incorrect. Apparently, they’re taking the “pretend it never happened, see if the problem will go away” approach. Also what about the Politico advise that Thompson would be withdrawing. How’d that work out for Politicol? Again false. We are not alone in our observations about The Politico's biased or false reporting? Below are only three of the numerous Internet stories addressing The Political incorrect political news reporting with respect to the Thompson campaign: The Jawa Report: "The Politico: A Team of Journalists, or a Team of Hacks?: This is a video of Fred's post-result speech in Iowa: [link to video] Now, if you keep that video in mind while you read the Politico's account of the rally, you can get a feel for just how hard they've been slanting their news on Fred. The Politico account paints a picture of a room in despair. The video makes clear that the room was anything but. You'd think they'd have learned their lesson after getting busted wide open on the firehouse hackery. Guess not. " Tags: Bill Smith, Fred Thompson, media bias To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks! The Meaning of Iowa![]() Values Voters Are Alive and Well - Since the disappointing 2006 elections, Big Media has been quick to proclaim that values voters are on "life support" and no longer a force to be reckoned with. But those voters turned out in large numbers last night giving Mike Huckabee his victory over Mitt Romney. Fully 60% of the Republican caucus-goers were evangelical Christians. While social conservatives may not make up as large a share of the electorate in upcoming states on the primary calendar, we will be large enough in every vote that no candidate can afford to ignore, or be hostile to, our concerns. But, while values voters turned out last night, the rest of the conservative coalition was AWOL. (See below) 2. Hillary Is In Trouble - Hillary Clinton's third place showing was devastating. This was, after all, supposed to be a coronation of the Clinton dynasty. The stakes are now very high for her in New Hampshire. But don't underestimate the "Clinton machine." It is well-funded and knows how to play political hardball more effectively than any of her competitors do. Senator Obama better get ready to take some hard punches, as the political landscape is littered with candidates who have underestimated Bill and Hillary. I hope Republicans pay close attention, too, because I don't think our side can afford to nominate a candidate who is inclined to pull his punches. I don't think we will beat Hillary, or Obama for that matter, by being "nice." The Republican nominee is going to have to draw clear contrasts with his Democrat opponent and be willing to hit hard. 3. The "Passion" Is On The Left - The worst news out of Iowa last night was the relative level of enthusiasm among caucus-goers. The Democrats had a huge turnout in Iowa, and the level of passion was extraordinary. The political Left is "on fire." Many liberal activists believe they were cheated in 2000 and 2004. As much as we may dislike the constant campaigning of the past year, liberals have been campaigning against this president for the past seven years! Now, the Left believes it is headed for a sweep this November. On the GOP side, many voters are still dissatisfied with their choices they. Many people I talked with in Iowa noted a stark contrast between the two sides. Preliminary results indicate that around 120,000 Republicans voted, while over 225,000 Democrats turned out. But, if you need a reminder of why Hillary, or any Democrat, would be a disaster for conservatives, ponder this: Liberal legal activist Jonathan Turley recently stated his belief that the next president could make as many as three appointments to the Supreme Court, with most of the vacancies coming from the high court's liberal wing. CNN reported on the possibility that should Hillary or Obama win in November, Bill Clinton may be appointed to fill the first Supreme Court vacancy! If this sounds crazy, there is precedent for such a move. Republican William Howard Taft served as president from 1909 to 1913 and was later appointed to the Supreme Court by the next Republican president in 1921. Nothing is too outlandish for the Clintons! If the former first lady can be elected to the Senate from a state she had never lived in before, why can't the former president be named to the high court? 4. Obama A Uniter? - It was hard to watch press coverage last night suggesting that Senator Barack Obama is enjoying strong support because he is perceived as someone who can bring the country together. What? He is further to the Left than Hillary Clinton! In Illinois he blocked legislation that would have saved babies born alive after failed abortions. He said he would begin his presidency by surrendering Iraq to the terrorists and entering into negotiations with our enemies in Iran, North Korea and Venezuela. In the months ahead, his radicalism will become more apparent. My friends, our country faces a number of serious challenges in the days ahead. From the war against Islamofascism to the make-up of the Supreme Court to the expiring Bush tax cuts in 2010, there is simply too much at stake for America to take a radical lurch to the left. As the campaign continues, we will continue to work with all the leading candidates. To ensure that our values prevail in this crucial contest, we will do everything we can to reunite and reinvigorate the Reagan coalition. In order to succeed, we must motivate all elements of the conservative movement, or else we risk a devastating defeat in the war abroad and in the cultural war here at home. Tags: Election 2008, Gary Bauer, Iowa, Iowa Caucus, presidential candidates Keyes Objects to Iowa GOP Vote Reporting![]() "I voted for Alan Keyes," said Siena Hoefling of Calhoun County. "It's ridiculous they didn't report my vote. Each precinct could have easily called or emailed the vote tallies to headquarters, so they should have been counted by now." "I know for sure we reported votes for Alan Keyes to headquarters," said Ron Granzow, precinct chair for Windsor Heights. "I don't know why they wouldn't report his votes to the public." "This resembles a 'communist-style' approach to electoral politics," said Stephen Stone, chairman of Alan Keyes for President. "In the former Soviet Union, political officials limited voters' choices in a way that created merely the illusion of democracy, without the reality. Any undue interference with free and open elections, of the sort we think we just witnessed, is un-American. . . . Alan Keyes has been an announced candidate for president since Sept. 14. Yet the state GOP chose to exclude him from the caucus process, claiming he 'announced too late' to be included, so that his name was not even mentioned on official lists of candidates or in reporting instructions. This disenfranchises Iowa voters." . . . [Read More] Tags: Alan Keyes, Election 2008, Iowa Caucus, Republican To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks! Huckabee Aids Wary of New Hampshire Voters
Michael D. Shear and Perry Bacon Jr., Washington Post addressed Mike Huckabee's victory. In addition, they related concerns by Huckabee aids over New Hampshire and a revealing statement about "the message of economic anxiety that he [Huckabee] preaches" in an effort to gain the support of the poor. Quote:
Tags: Election 2008, Mike Huckabee, New Hampshire, presidential candidate, Washington Post To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks! Friday, January 04, 2008Ron Paul Advances Campaign With New Ads
The Ron Paul Campaign has not consider the Iowa Caucuses a defeat. In fact, they invested minimum effort in the state. Now they have turned up the heat and are releasing television ads in several states. None are attack ad - all identify Ron Paul and his supporters.
Tags: 2008 Election, political ad, political video, presidential candidate, Ron Paul, TV, video To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks! A New Voice to Conservative Politics [Political Humor]
Playing Politcs has lanched a humorous new voice for the new year just in time to address the various caucuses, primaries and daily events in Congress. Below are examples:
![]() ![]() Tags: Barack Obama, Democrats, Election 2008, Hillary Clinton, John Edwards, Mike Huckabee, political cartoon, political humor, Politics To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks! Republican Race Clear as Mud after Iowa![]() As noted in the Washington Post, participation in the Iowa caucuses was at an all-time high. Over 125,000 caucusgoers participating, far out-distancing the previous record of 87,000 voters. According to the Post report, "Sixty percent of Republican caucusgoers described themselves as evangelicals, according to entrance polls. Those voters went for Huckabee over Romney by more than 2 to 1." The results are more than interesting, and they beg the question, "What are evangelicals looking for and why did they turn to Huckabee?" As I wrote yesterday, some of the most important issues for me and other conservatives are "smaller government, lower taxes, and secure borders." On these issues -- core issues for conservatives -- Huckabee simply does not warrant the support he has received. . . . I sincerely hope that evangelicals are looking at more than the fact that Huckabee is Baptist minister, but the results in Iowa, given the well documented records of all the Republican candidates are surprising. But then again, it's hard to say how much of the record was really known. Huckabee has enjoyed being spared intense review of his record until just the past few weeks. . . . The race for the Republican nomination is still wide open. I continue to hope that once the process is complete, we will all rally around the nominee and help defeat the Democrat. I also hope that during the process, voters will review the records of the candidates and make decisions based on the facts. . . . [Read More] Tags: Bobby Eberle, GOPUSA, Iowa Caucus, Mike Huckabee To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks! Sleeping Guards Shakes Nuclear Industry
by Steven Mufson, Washington Post: Kerry Beal was taken aback when he discovered last March that many of his fellow security guards at the Peach Bottom nuclear power plant in Pennsylvania were taking regular naps in what they called "the ready room." When he spoke to supervisors at his company, Wackenhut Corp., they told Beal to be a team player. When he alerted the regional office of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), regulators let the matter drop after the plant's owner, Exelon, said it found no evidence of guards asleep on the job.
So Beal videotaped the sleeping guards. The tape, eventually given to WCBS, a CBS television affiliate in New York City, showed the armed workers snoozing against walls, slumped on tabletops or with eyes closed and heads bobbing. The fallout of the broadcast is still being felt. Last month, Exelon, the country's largest provider of nuclear power, fired Wackenhut, which had guarded each of its 10 nuclear plants. The NRC is reviewing its own oversight procedures, having failed to heed Beal's warning. . . . [Read More] Tags: national security, nuclear, nuclear plants, sleeping guards, To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks! Hunter stays in GOP presidential race![]() Tags: CNN, Duncan Hunter, Election 2008, GOP, immigration, presidential candidate To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks! Fred Thompson: Ticket to the Next Dance
Fred Thompson: It's pretty clear that we're going to have a ticket to the next dance. . . . It looks like somebody is going to need to carry a strong, consistent, conservative message — and it looks like it ought to be me.”
Thompson Rally after Iowa Caucuses Tags: Election 2008, Fred Thompson, GOP, presidential candidate, Republican To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
Obama & Huckabee First in Iowa Party Caucuses
MarketWatch's Steve Gelsi speaking with Mike Thompson of Thomson Financial who explains why there will not be a recession in 2008. Thompson also addresses personal income and the 2008 earnings outlook. No Recession on Tap for 2008 | Kelsey Hubbard asks David Resler, chief economist at Nomura Securities, for his economic predictions for 2008. Plus, what he hopes not to hear from presidential candidates on economic issues. Main Hurdles for 2008 U.S. Economy |
WSJ's Gerald Seib discusses the wide-open race in both parties and discusses which candidates have the most to lose in Iowa. Kelsey Hubbard reports. (Jan. 3) Campaigns Kick Off in Iowa | WSJ's Kelsey Hubbard interviews Wonder Land columnist Dan Henninger about results from a recent Gallup poll where 84% of Americans say they are satisfied with their lives, yet 73% believe the country is headed in the wrong direction. (Jan. 2) A Pre-Election Paradox |
Red State has some information about the status of the Thompson campaign:GOP presidential hopeful Fred Thompson said in an in-studio interview with KCCI-TV in Des Moines that there is no truth to rumors that his campaign will fold before New Hampshire if he doesn't have a strong showing in Iowa."That is absolutely made up out of whole cloth," said the former U.S. Senator from Tennessee.
Thompson said a rival campaign was likely the source of that rumor."Can you imagine such a thing in politics?" he asked. Thompson said his campaign is seeing a "surge" in interest right now, and said he has visited 50 communities in the Hawkeye State in the last couple weeks. "I'm not going to play into any scenario that's not totally optimistic," he said.
Thompson touched on his plan for strengthening border security to prevent terrorist attacks, and his plan to simplify the tax code." Our tax code is a mess right now," he said.
According to people who actually know, I'm told $1,878,138 has been raised since the debate on December 12 from 24,949 people, including $719,534 from 10,237 people. For the week before, week of and week after Christmas, I think that’s pretty good. The Politico might not think so, but I think it gets Fred to South Carolina.McQ asks a question: “What campaign worth its salt would put out information, even anonymously, on the day of the caucuses? The answer? None.”
Ben himself worked closely with the Gipper, in particular drafting some of Reagan’s most memorable economic addresses. Ben writes:Only Thompson has a true conservative platform to defend life, liberty and American sovereignty. Only Thompson is advancing a compelling program for economic growth by controlling entitlement spending, unleashing innovation and making the American Dream real for every taxpayer. Only Thompson is committed to strengthening both our military and our intelligence and rallying the country for what must be a protracted struggle against jihadism.Is Thompson a Reagan conservative? He is indeed.
CNN Politics Reports: ABC and Fox News Channel are narrowing the field of presidential candidates invited to debates this weekend just before the New Hampshire primary . . . The roster of participants for ABC's back-to-back, prime-time Republican and Democratic debates Saturday in New Hampshire will be determined after results of Thursday's Iowa caucus become clear.
Fox, meanwhile, has invited five GOP candidates to a forum with Chris Wallace scheduled for its mobile studio in New Hampshire on Sunday. Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, Sen. John McCain of Arizona, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and former Sen. Fred Thompson of Tennessee received invites. . . .
To participate in ABC's Saturday night debate, Republican and Democratic candidates must meet at least one of three benchmarks: place first through fourth in Iowa, poll 5 percent or higher in one of the last four major New Hampshire surveys, or poll 5 percent or higher in one of the last four major national surveys.
There has been a lot of talk lately about comments that presidential candidate Fred Thompson made concerning his bid for the White House. I have been a vocal critic of Fred’s lack of enthusiasm and in a recent interview he addressed the “fire in the belly” issue. He said,
…I am not consumed by personal ambition. I will not be devastated if I don’t do it. I want the people to have the best president that they can have. When this talk first started, it didn’t originate with me. There were a lot of people around the country both directly and through polls, liked the idea of me stepping up. And of course, you always look better at a distance, I guess.This made me sit back and think for a second. It was a little unusual. It was…candor.
But most of those people are still there and think its a good idea. But I approached it from the standpoint of a deal. A kind of a marriage. If one side of a marriage has to be really talked into the marriage, it probably ain’t going to be a very good deal for either one of them. But if you mutually think that this is a good thing. In this case, if you think this is a good thing for the country, then you have an opportunity to do some wonderful things together.
I’m offering myself up. I’m saying that I have the background, the capability, and the concern to do this and I’m doing it for the right reasons. But I’m not particularly interested in running for president, but I think I’d make a good president.
And then I thought about another person in the history of the greatest country in the history of man. This man resigned his post when everyone thought he would be taking over as head of state. He not only resigned, but he told people he wasn’t going to be running for any government positions. People were stunned. It was honestly staggering that this man would not be interested in ruling. When he resigned, the King of England called him the “greatest man alive.”
He then went back to his home to live out his days, but was called for and once again served his country. Because of his help, state after state responded positively to a new Constitution. Following the creation of the Constitution, electors in each state cast ballots for the office of the president. While it was widely suspected he would win the election, he was reluctant. His friends and family responded by reminding him he did not campaign for this position and did not seek the office. He was chosen by the people.
When the ballots were finally counted on April 6, 1789, it was official. He had won. He had not sought the office of the president, but George Washington accepted the position and said, “I cannot give a greater evidence of my sensibility for the honor my fellow citizens have done me, than by accepting the appointment.” Later, when writing in his personal journal, he did not write about winning an election, but of his need to respect and serve ‘my country in obedience to its call.’
After recalling our first reluctant president, and comparing his sentiments to Senator Thompson’s, I came to the conclusion that I owe Fred an apology. I am sorry for wanting you to be something you are not. I am sorry for demanding that you fit the modern mold of a presidential candidate. While I agreed with a majority of his positions, I wanted Fred to put on a better show. I’m sorry for wanting a lot of flashy packaging instead of being satisfied with a quality product.
Having reflected on the first reluctant president, and reading Fred’s comments above, there is only one thing left to do. I fully support Fred Thompson for president of the United States of America.
Respect! | We tell the truth |
If you’re one of the millions of airline travelers who carry spare lithium laptop, cell phone and camera batteries with you, listen up: The government has some new rules which go into effect on New Year’s Day. Fortunately, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is not worried about the batteries installed in your devices, be it an iPhone or laptop. Those are safe to bring along with you on the plane in your carry-on bag. But the TSA is worried about loose, spare batteries. These are batteries with uncovered electrical contacts, which, if touched by other metal objects could cause an explosion and fire during a flight. So, the agency wants to make sure that any spare lithium batteries you take with you on your flight meet its new standards.From the DOT Safe Travel site:
Effective January 1, 2008, the following rules apply to the spare lithium batteries you carry with you in case the battery in a device runs low:See also: More Info & Photos
Spare batteries are the batteries you carry separately from the devices they power. When batteries are installed in a device, they are not considered spare batteries.
You may not pack a spare lithium battery in your checked baggage
You may bring spare lithium batteries with you in carry-on baggage – see our spare battery tips and how-to sections to find out how to pack spare batteries safely!
Even though we recommend carrying your devices with you in carry-on baggage as well, if you must bring one in checked baggage, you may check it with the batteries installed.
The following quantity limits apply to both your spare and installed batteries. The limits are expressed in grams of “equivalent lithium content.” 8 grams of equivalent lithium content is approximately 100 watt-hours. 25 grams is approximately 300 watt-hours:
Under the new rules, you can bring batteries with up to 8-gram equivalent lithium content. All lithium ion batteries in cell phones are below 8 gram equivalent lithium content. Nearly all laptop computers also are below this quantity threshold.
You can also bring up to two spare batteries with an aggregate equivalent lithium content of up to 25 grams, in addition to any batteries that fall below the 8-gram threshold. Examples of two types of lithium ion batteries with equivalent lithium content over 8 grams but below 25.
For a lithium metal battery, whether installed in a device or carried as a spare, the limit on lithium content is 2 grams of lithium metal per battery.
Almost all consumer-type lithium metal batteries are below 2 grams of lithium metal. But if you are unsure, contact the manufacturer!
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