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One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)

Friday, October 07, 2016

Obama Releases Armed Drug Traffickers

NRA-ILA: Earlier this year, we reported on how President Obama’s much-ballyhooed executive clemency program was releasing felons
who had been convicted of using firearms in drug trafficking crimes. We noted then the jarring inconsistency of this program with Obama’s executive gun control measures, which targeted hobbyists and collectors making occasional gun sales, licensed dealers, and even Social Security recipients.

But Obama is nothing if not hypocritical. Not only has he increased the scope of his pardons and commutations, but – according to an article in USA Today – he has shifted his strategy to reach more serious and violent offenders. “Before last month, 13% of inmates receiving clemency had used a firearm in the offense,” the article states. “For those granted presidential mercy last month, it was 22%.”

In other words, nearly one in four prisoners who will gain early release by presidential decree used a firearm to commit the offense for which the person was imprisoned.

Critics of Obama’s executive clemency program charge that he is not merely seeking to correct extraordinary injustices or reward exemplary rehabilitation on a case-by-case basis. Rather, they say, he is “instead substituting his own judgment for that of Congress and the courts” by applying the more lenient sentencing guidelines of modern times for the stricter one in effect during the 1980s and ‘90s, at the height of the crack epidemic.

The USA Today article quotes a former pardon attorney who served under Presidents George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton as stating, “There are a number of cases where it’s a genuine re-sentencing. It’s unprecedented.”

Obama is even granting early release to inmates considered “career offenders” and sentenced to life terms.

As Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.), Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, put it: “He has effectively set himself up as a judge, reviewing thousands of cases where they’ve been prosecuted, convicted, sentenced and appealed beyond the district court level. And he's undercut all that work by commuting their sentences."

Opinions can reasonably differ on the need for sentencing and criminal justice reform. What galls gun owners, however, is that retroactive leniency is being given to convicts who deliberately used guns to commit street crime, at the very same time members of the president’s party – particularly Hillary Clinton – are calling for retroactive condemnation of gun owners who have done nothing wrong.

If Hillary Clinton and others had their way, mere possession of lawfully-acquired firearms and magazines sitting in the safes of millions of law-abiding Americans would transform those people into felons subject to years in prison.

Those gun owning Americans are among the people that Hillary Clinton referred to as “deplorable” and “irredeemable.”

But in the case of crack dealers who ravaged America’s cities in the late 20th Century? Obama has appointed himself their redeemer. “Simply put,” he said, “their punishments didn’t fit the crime.”

Tags: NRA, NRA-ILA, Drug Cartels, DEA, Drug Enforcement Administration, Gun Control Barack Obama, Rep. Bob Goodlatte, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. and "Like" Facebook Page - Thanks!

Debate Night, Economy Stalling, More Corruption, Encouraging News

by Gary Bauer, Contributing Author: Debate Night - No, not tonight. On Sunday night, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton will meet for their second televised national debate. This event will be a town hall forum held at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri.

Half of the questions will come from undecided voters chosen by the Gallup Organization. The forum will be moderated by Martha Raddatz of ABC News and Anderson Cooper of CNN. Tune in Sunday night at 9:00 p.m. ET.

Job Growth Flat - The economy added 156,000 jobs last month. That's good news for the folks who got those jobs. But make no mistake about it, my friends, that is bad news for America.

The unemployment rate ticked up to 5%. And as the Associated Press noted, economic growth is stalling: "Job growth has averaged 178,000 a month so far this year, down from last year's pace of 229,000."

Obama's economic malaise helps to explain why so many working-class Americans are eager to vote for Donald Trump. This economy just isn't growing enough to provide for working and middle class families.

They know we are on the wrong track and they know we need to change course. But in this election, Hillary Clinton represents the status quo, more of the same -- more scandals and more left-wing Obama policies.

To restore our hope, we need real change. To get America's economy growing again, we need to elect Trump/Pence!

More Clinton Corruption - Hillary Clinton's national security scandal isn't going away. Almost every day, there are new revelations about the extent of her corruption. For example, the Wall Street Journal reports that newly released emails show that top Hillary Clinton staffers and top officials at the State Department and the White House were coordinating to "crush" any news about Hillary's private server.

But that is not nearly as shocking as the revelation that two boxes of Hillary's printed emails simply vanished.

According to Fox News, a State Department employee told FBI investigators that his office was instructed to pick up 14 boxes of emails at the office of Hillary Clinton's lawyer. But when they arrived to collect them, there were only 12 boxes of emails. Moreover, emails from the beginning of her term as secretary of state were missing.

Just to refresh your memory, a laptop containing a complete archive of Hillary's emails was lost in the mail. Other laptops recovered from her staff were destroyed under orders by the Justice Department. And Hillary's personal devices were destroyed with hammers.

There was once a president who was forced to resign in disgrace over 18 minutes of missing audio tape. The bottom line in this case is clear as day: Hillary Clinton engaged in the comprehensive destruction of evidence spanning the course of multiple investigations. Yet she has a 50/50 chance of becoming president!

Encouraging News - Donald Trump has been pummeled 24/7 for over a year. He has also taken more than a few knives in the back from folks who were supposed to be in his corner. Big Media is doing its best to bolster Hillary Clinton by saying that Trump has to hit a home run in Sunday night's debate or the election is over.

I disagree. She, not Donald Trump, is the professional politician, the experienced debater. Moreover, her campaign is suffering from a serious enthusiasm gap.

A new poll released today by a left-leaning firm finds Hillary is winning 54% of Millennial voters. That may not sound bad for Hillary, but in 2012, Obama won 67% of Millennials!

Crowd size is not by itself a predictor of electoral success, but it shouldn't be ignored. Trump's crowds are, well, "YUGE," while Hillary's are embarrassingly small. Among key left-wing constituencies, Democrats are having a hard time ginning up excitement for her. Just consider this headline from The Atlantic: "For Young Voters, Hope And Change is Dead."

Here's more encouraging news that I hope will spur each of you to redouble your efforts in the days ahead. According to the Republican National Committee:
  • Trump volunteers have knocked on more than two million doors.
  • GOP voter registration in Nevada is up 12,720.
  • GOP voter registration in Iowa is up 38,913. Democrat absentee ballot requests are way down.
  • GOP voter registration in North Carolina is up 173,785.
  • GOP voter registration in Pennsylvania is up 223,552.
  • GOP voter registration in Florida is up by 261,715. Republicans also have a lead in absentee ballot requests as well.
My friends, keep praying and keep working! This election is far from over. Find one voter and bring them our way. Don't waste your time with die-hard liberals. Start with your family members, especially children and grandchildren.

This MUST be a change election. America needs to change course on the economy, on terrorism, on national security and on the rule of law. On all of those issues, Hillary Clinton will continue the status quo and her corruption will only make things worse.

Are You Registered? - Voter registration deadlines in many states are just days away! In fact, two state deadlines are tomorrow.

Please make sure you and all your friends and family members are registered to vote. Please don't delay.
Gary Bauer is a conservative family values advocate and serves as president of American Values and chairman of the Campaign for Working Families

Tags: Gary Bauer, Campaign for Working Families, Debate Night, Economy Stalling, More Corruption, Encouraging News To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. and "Like" Facebook Page - Thanks!

No Freedom of Press for Internet Publications, Satellite TV & Radio, Streaming Movies & Printed Books

Antique Printing Press
by Natalia Castro: The Federal Election Commission (FEC) has decided to remain a step behind the changing technological world, likely so that they can still have a place in our government. After an FEC meeting and vote it has been decided that the organization would continue its censorship of Internet based websites, radio, streamed movies and even books. Effectively allowing the organization to maintain control over a significant portion of modern American media.

An amendment submitted to the FEC on Sept. 29, 2016 by Commissioner Lee Goodman specifically aimed at modernizing exemptions to FEC regulation in accordance with technological changes in the 21 century was struck down by Democrats led by Ann Ravel, who called the attempt "pitiful."

Ravel won based on a split 3-3 decision, meaning the law would stand as is without an expansion of the "press exemption" which currently states that "a media entity's costs for carrying news stories, commentary and editorials are not considered 'contributions' or 'expenditures.'"

With Goodman's proposal online blogs, documentaries, satellite radio and books would be free of FEC regulation and suppression. As Goodman defends, this would clarify the law without changing it. Why?

Because it would follow the framers' intention within the First Amendment of the Constitution where freedom of press is explicitly outlined. They did not mean the "press" as some elite cadre of journalists, they meant the printing press, as explained by UCLA law professor Eugene Volokh in his 2011 paper on the topic, "The Freedom...of the Press, from 1791 to 1868 to Now: Freedom for the Press as an Industry, or the Press as a Technology?"

"Through-out American history, the dominant understanding of the Free Press Clause (and its state constitutional analogs) has followed the press-as-technology model. This was likely the original meaning of the First Amendment. It was pretty certainly the understanding when the Fourteenth Amendment was ratified. It was the largely unchallenged orthodoxy until about 1970," Volokh writes.

Volokh continues, "Since 1970, a few lower court decisions have adopted the press-as-industry model. But this has been a distinctly minority view. Supreme Court majority opinions have continued to provide equal treatment to speakers without regard to whether they are members of the press as industry. And while several opinions have noted that the question remains open, the bulk of the precedents point towards equal treatment for all speakers — or at least to equal treatment for all who use mass communications technologies, whether or not they are members of the press as industry."

The freedom of the press so often interlocks with freedom of speech, but the press, which can be used by anyone, obviously protects an individual right that cannot be abridged.

That is, whether the writer is working in a blog, through a video published online for streaming, or writing an e-novel, they deserve the protections of the First Amendment.

However, if this was upheld and regulations were not applicable to these groups of people the FEC might not have a reason to exist. The group would be unable to moderate the "contributions" and "expenditures" of any members of media in order to submit to the freedom of the press, forcing the FEC's power to shrink significantly.

The current restrictions to freedom of the press contemplated by the FEC keep freedoms locked in an archaic, pre-constitutional time where today's technology simply did not exist, and uses that as a justification for censorship. With Ravel's debate remarks and Twitter attacks on the Washington Examiner and the Daily Caller for daring to report on Goodman's amendment, it seems the "pitiful" right leaning media would be the first to be moderated by these unelected bureaucrats.
Natalia Castro is a contributing editor at Americans for Limited Government.

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Debt Under Obama Up $9,000,000,000,000

by Terence P. Jeffrey: The federal government passed a fiscal milestone on the first business day of fiscal 2017—which was Monday, Oct. 3—when the total federal debt accumulated during the presidency of Barack Obama topped $9,000,000,000,000 for the first time.

On Jan. 20, 2009, when Obama was inaugurated, the total debt of the federal government was $10,626,877,048,913.08, according to data published by the U.S. Treasury.

As of the close of business on Friday, Sept, 30, the last day of fiscal 2016, the total federal debt was $19,573,444,713,936.79. At that point, the total federal debt had increased under Obama by $8,946,567,665,023.71.

On Monday, Oct. 3, the first business day of fiscal 2017, the total federal debt closed at $19,642,949,742,561.51. At that point, the debt had increased under Obama by $9,016,072,693,648.43 from the $10,626,877,048,913.08 it stood at on the day of Obama’s inauguration.

As of the close of business, on Wednesday, Oct. 5—the latest day for which the Treasury has reported—the total federal debt was $19,663,411,497,797.40. That means that so far in Obama’s presidency, the federal debt has increased $9,036,534,448,884.32.

Given that there were 118,215,000 households in the United States in June (the latest estimate from the Census Bureau), the $9,036,534,448,884.32 increase in the federal debt under Obama so far equals approximately $76,442 per household.

The Treasury divides the total debt into two major parts: "debt held by the public" and "intragovernmental debt." Debt held by the public are U.S. government securities—including bills, notes and bonds—held by individuals and institutions outside the U.S. government. Intragovernmental debt is the money that the Treasury has borrowed and spent out of federal government trust funds such as those for the Social Security program.

According to the Treasury, during Obama’s time in office so far, the "debt held by the public" has climbed from $6,307,310,739,681.66 on Jan, 20, 2009 to $14,170,897,492,757.91 on Oct. 5, 2015. That is an increase of $7,863,586,753,076.25—or about 125 percent.

The amount that President Obama has increased the total federal debt so far--$9,036,534,448,884.32—is $4,137,434,138,275.88 more (or 84 percent more) than President George W. Bush increased the debt during his full eight years in office.

When President George W. Bush took office on Jan. 20, 2001, the total federal debt was $5,727,776,738,304.64. During his eight years as president it increased by $4,899,100,310,608.44 to $10,626,877,048,913.08

It took the United States, which declared independence in 1776, 231 years to accumulate its first $9,000,000,000,000 in debt—with the debt first surpassing that level on the last day of August 2007.

On August 31, 2007, the total federal debt was $9,005,648,561,262.70, Since then it has grown by $10,657,762,936,534.70 (or approximately 118 percent) to the current level of $19,663,411,497,797.40
Terence P. Jeffrey is editor-in-chief of the conservative Previously, he served for more than a decade as editor of Human Events, where he is now an editor at large.

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Trend In Trump’s Favor

Dick Morris
Photo by Editor
by Dick Morris: After losing the debate on Septem
ber 26th, Donald Trump’s fortunes appear to have revived.

The three polls conducted since October 1 all show a trend toward Trump. Rasmussen Reports, which is conducting daily tracking polls, shows Trump +2 in a 3-way race (on Thursday). It had been +1 yesterday on Wednesday.

Gravis, fielded the day before the VP debate, has it tied. Economist/YouGov shows Hillary +3, about where she has been for the past two weeks in their polling.

Very likely, Trump will experience a bounce when the post-VP debate polling comes in. He may enter the Sunday, October 9th debate with a slight lead.

How did he comeback from a weak performance in the first debate?

Undoubtedly, he scored points in the debate on jobs and trade and showed an open mindedness of race issues that did him credit. He didn’t hit Hillary nearly hard enough and that disappointed his backers.

But Trump seems to have made the fundamental point stick: That a vote for Hillary is a vote for the status quo and that a vote for him is a vote for change. With the country saying, by 3-1 that we are on the “wrong track” that’s an important bit of positioning.

And the impact of the VP debate may be significant. The endless and repetitive name calling in which Kane engaged may demonstrate the hollowness of Hillary’s case and lead people to look beyond and behind the slurs and insults.

Why did Kane do so badly? I believe that the voices of Bill and Hillary were echoing in his mind exhorting him to be tougher and meaner. Likely they attended his coaching practice sessions and criticized him for not being strong enough. In his mind, he was likely pleasing them regardless of the effect on his audience.

If Hurricane Matthew hits landfall in the South and does huge damage, it will loom big as an issue. Whether or not it is the storm of the century, it is certainly the quadrennial storm that seems to impact our elections every four years.

But this time it lands right in the middle of a climate change debate and unless Trump is careful in how he handles the issue — and shows open mindedness and a willingness to follow the science as it evolves over the coming years, he may be badly hurt.
Richard "Dick" Morris is an American political author and commentator who previously worked as a pollster, political campaign consultant, and general political consultant. He has worked on both sides of politics for candidates and his articles can be found at

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LGBT Blacklist

by Kerby Anderson, Contributing Author: An LGBT group known as Campus Pride has published a list of more than 100 Christian colleges and universities that are deemed dangerous because they don’t affirm the homosexual lifestyle. They hope that corporations will use this “Shame List” to blacklist graduates from these Christian institutions.

Rod Dreher is concerned that this is exactly what will happen. Companies and corporations that take pride in being inclusive and diverse may decide to avoid recruiting on these campuses and might even blackball anyone with one of these schools on his or her resume.

He asks a number of good questions. “How long do you think those colleges and universities will be able to hold out if major corporations, yielding to pressure from LGBT groups, treat diplomas from there as badges of shame? If graduate schools refuse to consider students with bachelor’s degrees from the ‘shame’ schools? How many of those schools on the Shame List will be there in 20 years?”

This list compiled by Campus Pride illustrates something I have talked about for years. Homosexual activists aren’t really interested in dialogue. They merely want to marginalize anyone who disagrees with them and punish them if there is an appropriate mechanism to do so. The Shame List is an attempt to negotiate the terms of a Christian college’s surrender. Comply with our demands or be forced out of business because your students won’t get jobs and won’t get into any graduate school.

If you look through the list of Christian colleges, you will find that for many of these schools their supposed “offense” isn’t something that would even arouse concerns from many liberals or progressives. One administrator of a Christian school, that was not on the Shame List, said he was surprised his university was not on the list. He may not have long to wait. Even opposition to a piece of legislation or an Obama executive order is enough to put you on the list. Your time is coming.
Kerby Anderson is a radio talk show host heard on numerous stations via the Point of View Network endorsed by Dr. Bill Smith, Editor, ARRA News Service

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Gov. Asa Hutchinson Gets A “B” On Cato’s Report Card

by Caleb Taylor: Gov. Asa Hutchinson is a “B” student in economics when compared to governors nationwide, according to a report released today by the Cato Institute.

From the Cato Institute’s report:
Former U.S. Representative and federal official Asa Hutchinson entered the Arkansas governor’s office in January 2015. Hutchinson campaigned on a middle-class tax cut, and he delivered soon after taking office. He signed into law a cut to tax rates for households with incomes of less than $75,000, providing savings of about $90 million a year. The governor said, “Arkansas has been an island of high taxation for too long, and I’m pleased that we are doing something about that.” Enjoying substantial budget surpluses in 2016, Hutchinson has promised further tax cuts. On spending, Hutchison scored a bit better than average among the governors.Hutchinson’s score was enough to give him the 16th best ranking from Cato’s limited-government fiscal policy perspective.

The fifteen governors ranked ahead of Hutchinson were all Republicans, with the exception of Rhode Island’s Democratic Governor Gina Raimondo.

Governors were ranked by their tax and spending policies. While Hutchinson received props for his tax cuts, the report’s authors said Hutchinson only “scored a bit better than average among the governors” for his spending record.

The report stated Medicaid costs have been “growing rapidly” in states like Arkansas that expanded Medicaid to able-bodied adults through Obamacare in 2013.

According to the report:
Medicaid has grown rapidly for years, and the Affordable Care Act of 2010 (ACA) expanded it even more. For states that implement the ACA’s expanded Medicaid coverage, the federal government is paying 100 percent of the costs of through 2016, and then a declining share after that. As the federal cost share declines, state budgets will be put under more stress. But aside from the federal portion of Medicaid, the state-funded portion of the program is also growing quickly and stressing budgets. State-funded Medicaid spending grew 6.0 percent in 2015 and an estimated 8.3 percent in 2016. You can read the entire CATO report here.
Caleb Taylor is a reporter for The Arkansas Project. The Arkansas Projec is a source for incisive commentary and reporting on Arkansas government, politics, media and more. It is an affiliate of the Advance Arkansas Institute.

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ISIS, Not Russia, Is the Enemy in Syria

by Patrick Buchanan: Denouncing Russian air strik
es on Aleppo as “barbaric,” Mike Pence declared in Tuesday’s debate:

“The provocations by Russia need to be met with American strength. … The United States of America should be prepared to use military force, to strike military targets of Bashar Assad regime.”

John McCain went further:

“The U.S. … must issue an ultimatum to Mr. Assad — stop flying or lose your aircraft … If Russia continues its indiscriminate bombing, we should make clear that we will take steps to hold its aircraft at greater risk.”

Yet one gets the impression this is bluster and bluff.

Pence has walked his warnings back. And there are few echoes of McCain’s hawkishness. Even Hillary Clinton’s call for a “no-fly zone” has been muted.

The American people have no stomach for a new war in Syria.

Nor does it make sense to expand our enemies list in that bleeding and broken country — from ISIS and the al-Qaida-linked al-Nusra Front — to Syria’s armed forces, Russia, Iran and Hezbollah.

These last three have been battling to save Assad’s regime, because they see vital interests imperiled should it fall.

We have not plunged into Syria, because we have no vital interest at risk in Syria. We have lived with the Assads since Richard Nixon went to Damascus.

President Obama, who has four months left in office, is not going to intervene. And Congress, which has the sole power to declare war, has never authorized a war on Syria.

Obama would be committing an impeachable act if he started shooting down Russian or Syrian planes over Syrian territory. He might also be putting us on the escalator to World War III.

For Russia has moved its S-400 anti-aircraft system into Syria to its air base near Latakia, and its S-300 system to its naval base at Tartus.

As the rebels have no air force, that message is for us.

Russia is also moving its aircraft carrier, Admiral Kuznetsov, into the Med. Vladimir Putin is doubling down in Syria.

Last weekend, the Russian Foreign Ministry warned that U.S. attacks in Syria “will lead to terrible tectonic consequences not only on the territory of this country but also in the region on the whole.”

Translation: Attack Syria’s air force, and the war you Americans start could encompass the entire Middle East.

Last week, too, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Marine Gen. Joseph Dunford, warned that creating a “no-fly zone” in Syria could mean war — with Russia. Dunford’s crisp retort to Sen. Roger Wicker:

“Right now, senator, for us to control all of the airspace in Syria it would require us to go to war, against Syria and Russia. That’s a pretty fundamental decision that certainly I’m not going to make.”

And neither, thankfully, will Barack Obama.

So, where are we, and how did we get here?

Five years ago, Obama declared that Assad must step down. Ignoring him, Assad went all out to crush the rebels, both those we backed and the Islamist terrorists.

Obama then drew a “red line,” declaring that Assad’s use of chemical weapons would lead to U.S. strikes. But when Obama readied military action in 2013, Americans rose up and roared, “No!”

Reading the country right, Congress refused to authorize U.S. military action. Egg all over his face, Obama again backed down.

When Assad began losing the war, Putin stepped in to save his lone Arab ally, and swiftly reversed Assad’s fortunes.

Now, with 10,000 troops — Syrian, Iraqi Shiite militia, Hezbollah, Iranian Revolutionary Guard and Afghan mercenaries — poised to attack Aleppo, backed by Russian air power, Assad may be on the cusp of victory in the bloodiest and most decisive battle of the war.

Assad and his allies intend to end this war — by winning it.

For the U.S. to reverse his gains now, and effect his removal, would require the introduction of massive U.S. air power and U.S. troops, and congressional authorization for war in Syria.

The time has come to recognize and accept reality.

While the U.S. and its Turkish, Kurdish and Sunni allies, working with the Assad coalition of Russia, Hezbollah and the Iranians, can crush ISIS and al-Qaida in Syria, we cannot defeat the Assad coalition — not without risking a world war.

And Congress would never authorize such a war, nor would the American people sustain it.

As of today, there is no possibility that the rebels we back could defeat ISIS and the al-Nusra Front, let alone bring down Bashar Assad and run the Russians, Hezbollah, Iran and the Iraqi Shiite militias out of Syria.

Time to stop the killing, stop the carnage, stop the war and get the best terms for peace we can get. For continuing this war, when the prospects of victory are nil, raises its own question of morality.
Patrick Buchanan is currently a conservative columnist, political analyst, chairman of The American Cause foundation and an editor of The American Conservative. He has been a senior advisor to three Presidents, a two-time candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, and was the presidential nominee of the Reform Party in 2000. He blogs at the Patrick J. Buchanan.

Tags: Patrick Buchanan, conservative, commentary, ISIS, Not Russia, Is the Enemy in Syria To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. and "Like" Facebook Page - Thanks!

Linking Hurricane Matthew to Climate Change Is Overblown Hype

Car flooded in FL by Hurricane Matthew 
by David Kreutzer: Hurricane Matthew is big, dangerous, and (if it makes landfall) something not seen in the continental United States for a decade. This, of course, means it will be linked to global warming.

There will be a lot of “scientists say we can expect,” but little actual data. That’s because the data show for the last 10 years we have had an unusual drought of landfalling major hurricanes (Category 3 and higher) on the continental U.S. That’s right, no major hurricanes have made landfall for over a decade. This is the longest such drought on record.

A lot of it is luck. There have been major hurricanes in the Atlantic whose paths have not taken them onshore. However, there has not been the steady increase in hurricane activity that the doom-and-gloomers predicted following a swarm of major hurricanes in 2005. Yes, there is a lot of change from year to year, but there is no worrisome trend.

In fact, taking a tally of the scariest hurricanes (Categories 4 and 5) indicates things were worse nearly a century ago. For the 44 years from 1926 to 1969, 14 of these most powerful storms made landfall, while the 46 years since then had only three.

Good luck will almost certainly run out and we will have years with multiple major hurricanes making landfall. If so, that is a return to normalcy, not a harbinger of impending climate doom. Since record-keeping began in the 1800s, the average annual landfall of major hurricanes is about two. However, it is far from constant as recent experience shows.

Further, a return to normalcy very likely will be associated with record levels of financial losses. This is due to the explosion of coastal development of recent decades. Again, it will not be due, as some will assert, to more frequent or more intense hurricanes.

The last decade has been a very mild one regarding major hurricanes hitting American shores. If Hurricane Matthew makes its expected landfall in the U.S. this week, the drought will be broken, but it won’t be a sign that we are headed to a man-made climate catastrophe.
David Kreutzer (@dwkreutzer) is the senior research fellow in energy economics and climate change at The Heritage Foundation's Center for Data Analysis. In this position, Kreutzer researches how energy and climate change legislation will affect economic activity at the national, local, and industry levels.

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Obamacare’s Risky Business

House Energy & Commerce Committee: Folks in all 50 states know Obamacare is “the craziest thing in the world.” But let’s take a quick step back in time to look at how predictions about Obamacare’s risk mitigation programs, sadly, have come true.

A March 2014 column by Dr. David Blumenthal featured by The Commonwealth Fund highlights the “Three R’s” that have “…the intended effect of keeping premiums down in 2014 and moderating likely increases in 2015. Risk corridors and reinsurance provisions from 2014 to 2016. Risk adjustment is permanent.”

Risk corridors, reinsurance, and risk adjustment – three very risky programs that are not working. Together as predicted they are mounting to #RateShock, fewer options, failures, and closures.

Here’s a look at Obamacare’s risky business – explained then (in the 2014 column) and now.

Risk Corridors
THEN “Because the ACA marketplaces are so new and the health risks of new enrollees uncertain, some insurance companies could make a windfall or lose their shirts in the early years of the rollout. This could encourage companies to set premiums higher than necessary just to make sure they aren’t among the losers. To prevent this, the federal government has created a program under which it will collect money from plans sold in the new marketplaces with unexpectedly high gains and redistribute them to plans with unexpectedly high losses.”

NOW Congress has acted twice on a strong, bipartisan basis to ensure that the risk corridors program is budget neutral, and no taxpayer dollars are used to cover losses by plans. Just last month, CMS Acting Administrator Andy Slavitt testified under oath that the administration is looking to settle the growing number of lawsuits using taxpayer dollars. But wait, the administration’s own Justice Department has a different opinion. These lawsuits are shaping up to be Obama v. Obama.

THEN “Reinsurance manages this risk by literally insuring insurance companies against it. Using fees collected from all the nation’s health insurance companies (essentially, insurance premiums paid by insurers), the federal government proposes to pay nongrandfathered insurance plans 80 percent of the costs between $45,000 and $250,000 experienced by any of its enrollees in 2014. In 2015, the terms may change to 70 percent coverage for costs between $70,000 and $250,000. Reinsurance disappears in 2016… The plan is budget neutral: when the funds collected from insurers run out, the government stops paying. No taxpayer bailout here either.”

NOW The government’s nonpartisan watchdog last week issued a legal opinion declaring that the administration’s reinsurance scheme ignores the clear intent of law. While it took the Comptroller General five months to draft the most credible legal opinion possible, it took the Obama administration less than five hours to say they reject the watchdog’s opinion. Ignore the law, then the legal opinion... two wrongs don’t make a right.

Risk adjustment
THEN “Risk adjustment is a process that deters insurance plans from trying to attract healthy enrollees (“cherry picking”), and protects companies that may—by chance or because of their particular benefits—attract sicker than average customers (“adverse risk selection”). Though the Affordable Care Act bans carriers from turning people down or charging them more based on their health, the incentive to attract healthier enrollees remains because healthier customers increase profits by reducing companies’ payouts. With healthier enrollees, plans can also reduce premiums while maintaining profit margins. This tends to reinforce their advantage with healthy customers, who are often most price-sensitive.”

NOW This program – the only permanent one of the three – was so off in its formula that the administration is having to rethink the entire process.

Risky business? No doubt. The good news is House Republicans have A Better Way.

Tags: Obamacare, Risky Business, House Energy & Commerce Committee, House Republicans, A Better Way To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. and "Like" Facebook Page - Thanks!

Thursday, October 06, 2016

Clinton Corruption, Abedin's Anti-Semitism, RINOs Ready For Hillary

by Gary Bauer, Contributing Author: Clinton Corruption Continues - News broke yesterday that the FBI had arrested Hillary Clinton. Among other things, Mrs. Clinton was charged with "unauthorized removal and retention of classified materials" after officials raided her home and discovered "documents and digital information stored on various devices that contained highly classified information."


That story isn't about Hillary, but former NSA contractor Harold Thomas Martin III of Glen Burnie, Maryland.

Unfortunately for Mr. Martin, his last name is not Clinton, and I'm sure there will be plenty of "reasonable prosecutors" willing to press the case against him.

As Governor Pence rightly noted in Monday night's debate, if his son had handled classified information the way Hillary did, the Marines would have court-martialed him. Pence is right. Just ask Marine Maj. Jason C. Brezler. He was drummed out for just ONE email.

But in the past few days new details have emerged about the FBI's cover-up -- I mean investigation -- of Mrs. Clinton's national security scandal. You might want to sit down for this. . .

As part of the many immunity agreements that Obama's so-called Justice Department agreed to in the course of this investigation, it evidently agreed to destroy laptops that belonged to former Clinton Chief of Staff Cheryl Mills and ex-campaign staffer Heather Samuelson. Moreover, the FBI also agreed to only examine documents that were dated between June 1, 2014 and Feb. 1, 2015.

That is no way to conduct an investigation. If the FBI wanted to retrieve these laptops with classified information on them, it should have gotten a warrant and raided Mills' and Samuelson's homes, just like it did to Mr. Martin.

Why would the FBI agree to limit what it could look at? And when did the FBI get into the business of destroying evidence? Clearly, the Justice Department was using the FBI to cover-up Hillary's corruption.

Needless to say, congressional leaders are furious. This information was under subpoena by key committees. Four committee chairmen sent a letter to Attorney General Loretta Lynch demanding explanations. They should be demanding her resignation, along with FBI Director James Comey's.

More Government Corruption - Here are a few more stories about government corruption you probably won't see on the evening news.
  • Hillary Clinton steered millions of dollars in government contracts to one of Chelsea Clinton's best friends, raising serious questions about ethical violations.
  • With just a little more than a month left in the most important election in modern history, the IRS is still targeting Tea Party groups.
  • The VA scandal is continuing. A new report finds veterans in the Phoenix VA Health Care system still are not being seen in a reasonable time. Whistleblowers are warning that callous bureaucrats are thwarting the Veterans Choice program which was designed to help reduce the backlog. That's government-run health care for you!
In every single scandal of this administration, not one person has been sent to jail. And -- surprise, surprise -- they are doubling down, and doing it all over again.

Abedin's Anti-Semitism - Without question, Huma Abedin is one of Hillary Clinton's closest aides and confidants. Many people have expressed concerns about her family's well-documented connection to the Muslim Brotherhood (here, here and here) and what her real agenda might be.

Here's the latest. In September of 2009, Doug Band, a top official at the Clinton Foundation, emailed Cheryl Mills and Huma Abedin at the State Department letting them know that AIPAC, one of America's leading pro-Israel organizations, had invited former President Bill Clinton to speak at one of their events.

Abedin's response: "U really want to consider sending him into that crowd?" After another push by Band, Abedin replied: "No go to aipac."

Abedin's choice of words -- "that crowd" -- obviously refers to American Jews who belong to AIPAC. We already know that Hillary Clinton was getting advice from one raving anti-Semite -- Max Blumenthal. Why is Hillary Clinton so comfortable with advisors who despise Jews?

If this were a story about a top Trump aide, the media would be all over it, demanding Trump condemn or fire the aide. But as we already know, there is a completely different standard for the Clintons.

RINOs Ready For Hillary - If you are looking for reasons why Donald Trump beat more conventional Republicans for the GOP nomination, and why so many Republican primary voters said they felt betrayed by their own party, just consider this headline:"GOP Senators: We Could Work With Hillary Clinton."A handful of Republican senators were quoted saying how they are prepared to work with President Hillary, because if she wins (God forbid!) they think the American people will want them to work with her.

What do they think she is going to do that they will agree with? There will be millions of Americans who expect the exact opposite -- they want the GOP to fight back!

Far from cooperating with Hillary Clinton, they should be working on legal alternatives to fight her corruption.

They should be prepared for a brutal battle over the Supreme Court and the preservation of religious liberty and our Second Amendment rights.

They should be coming up with ways to effectively reassert Congress' authority against abuses of executive power.

I can think of so many things -- other than preemptively surrendering -- that these GOP senators should be doing.
Gary Bauer is a conservative family values advocate and serves as president of American Values and chairman of the Campaign for Working Families

Tags: Gary Bauer, Campaign for Working Families, Clinton Corruption, Huma Abedin, Anti-Semitism, RINOs, for Hillary To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. and "Like" Facebook Page - Thanks!

Tim Kaine: I’m Proud of Infringing on Your Second Amendment Rights

by Beth Baumann: Vice Presidential candidate Tim Kaine is doubling down on his anti-gun rhetoric from Tuesday’s vice presidential debate, even taking to social media to say he’s proud of his record of infringing on the Second Amendment.I’m a gun owner, I’m a strong Second Amendment supporter, but I’ve got a lot of scar tissue because when I was governor of Virginia there was a horrible shooting at Virginia Tech. And we learned that, through that painful situation, that gaps in the background record system should have been closed and that could have prevented that crime. So we’re going work to do things like close background record checks and if we do, we won’t have the tragedies that we did.We know there are gaps in the background check system. NRA’s CEO, Wayne LaPierre, has said time and again that there are holes in the background check system because 38 states provide only 80 percent of their criminal convictions and gun owners have pushed to address and correct them. Which democrats refuse to do.

Moreover, the shooting at Virginia Tech, Kaine fails to acknowledge, took place in a gun-free zone, and the shooter was only allowed to continue his spree because there was no one there equipped to stop him. The NRA has also addressed this by saying every school, from elementary playgrounds to college campuses, should have armed guards and/or faculty and students allowed to campus carry.

But our (actual) common sense solutions to these problems doesn’t get rid of all guns, of course.

During the debate, the NRA reminded gun owners of Tim Kaine’s rating on Second Amendment issues.
Wow. Proud to have earned an “F” from the NRA for his gross infringements on Americans’ Second Amendment rights?
Tim Kaine and Hillary Clinton are cut from the same cloth. They both claim to love and support the Second Amendment, yet are actively pushing to take away our constitutional right to keep and bear arms; piece-by-piece, day-by-day.

Just remember their thought process: guns are bad. Except, of course, when it comes to having armed body guards to protect them and their families.

We the people do not have that luxury – that’s why our right to keep and bear arms is protected under the Second Amendment.

Which Shall. Not. Be. Infringed.
Beth Baumann (@eb454) is a public relations professional in Northern Idaho. Beth is a campaign veteran who has worked on numerous state and federal elections. In 2014, she was the Communications Assistant for the American Conservative Union, where she helped plan and execute media relations strategies for CPAC 2014. She is an avid Second Amendment supporter and advocate and loves fishing in her free time. H/T Bearing Arms

Tags: Beth Baumann, Bearing Arms, Anti-Gun, Background Checks, Constitution, Criminal Background Checks, Gun Control, Hillary Clinton, NICS, NRA, Second Amendment, Tim Kaine To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. and "Like" Facebook Page - Thanks!

North Dakota Sheriff: Dakota Access Pipeline Protesters Are ‘Hostile,’ ‘Armed,’ and ‘Not Peaceful’

Protester being arrested at a Dakota Access Pipeline
construction site near Glen Ullin, N.D
by Sean Hackbarth, Contributing Author: If the Obama administration thought their actions to halt part of the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline would calm things down in North Dakota, they were mistaken. If anything, protests have intensified.

Dozens of people have been arrested by local law enforcement, and the Mercer County Sheriff Dean Danzeisen, bluntly stated to the Obama administration, "These are not peaceful protestors..”They are armed, hostile, and engaged in training exercises which can only be intended to promote violence, whether on Corps property or elsewhere. These rioters have left Corps and Standing Rock property on multiple occasions and travel several miles to enter private property to assault employees, private security personnel, and damage property that will take millions of dollars to repair. A number of these individuals have been observed brandishing weapons.One anti-pipeline protester went on a local North Dakota radio show to talk about “lawlessness” he saw taking place inside the camps.

A union leader in North Dakota spoke to local North Dakota radio about the hostile environment created by pipeline opponents for those working on the pipeline:Pam Link of the Local 563 chapter of the Laborers International Union of North America was on air with my colleague Jay Thomas on 970 AM WDAY. She spoke with Jay about the issues the pipeliners are going through with the #NoDAPL protests.

She painted an ugly picture, describing one incident where a worker filling up his truck at an area gas station was “beaten” by masked protesters.

“I wish people could imagine the situation our union workers have been put in,” she said, adding that hundreds of the workers are from right here in North Dakota.

“No one should have to be going to work threatened and put in an unsafe position,” she added.

Link said workers routinely show up at their work sites along the pipeline routine to find equipment damaged. Not that they get much of a chance to address the damage. She also said workers are routinely run off by protesters just a couple of hours after starting their work days.

There are a “handful of workers who have left the job,” Link said, though added that most of the workers are sticking and want to get the project completed.
This hostile environment has expanded and is affecting farmers and ranchers far from the pipeline’s route. Doug Goehring, North Dakota’s Commissioner of Agriculture, told North Dakota blogger Rob Port, the protests are anything but peaceful:He said farmers and ranchers in areas even as far away [sic] as 20 or 30 miles from the protests are feeling “frustration, fear, anxiety, and tension.”

“It’s just like living down in an area that seems like a battle zone,” he said.

“These are innocent people who are caught in harm’s way,” he added.

He said he’s spoken to farmers and ranchers from the area who have sent their children to live in the Bismarck/Mandan area during the protests because they don’t feel safe. He said ag producers are having troubles harvesting their crops or tending to their cattle because of the protest activities and the law enforcement response they provoke.

In one instance he said he spoke to a farmer who lives 20 miles away from the main protest area who had a protester chain himself to a light pole in his farm yard.

“This is terrible,” he told me.
It should be noted that one of the protesters’ key talking points--that the pipeline will destroy cultural artifacts--has been upended. North Dakota State Historical Society’s archaeologists have found no evidence of cultural items on the pipeline’s route.

Both the energy industry and labor unions turned up the volume on the administration’s delay of Dakota Access Pipeline.

The presidents of the International Union of Operating Engineers, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Laborers' International Union of North America, United Association and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers sent a letter to President Barack Obama demanding that he "stand up for American workers" and allow construction to continue, NBC News reports:The unions, which collectively represent 3.5 million workers, said the weeks-long halt in construction of the pipeline at Cannon Ball, North Dakota, had caused "hardships for thousands of families." The unions said 8,000 of their members are currently working on the $3.7 billion project.

"The intervention by the Departments of Justice, Interior, and the U.S. Army to indefinitely halt a project that is more than halfway constructed and has received state and federal approval raises serious concerns about the future of infrastructure development in America, and the livelihoods of our members," the group wrote in a one-page letter.
The energy industry reinforced labor’s points. On a press call, the American Petroleum Institute’s Robin Rorick warned that Obama administration actions threatened the rule of law saying it set “a dangerous precedent for other non-oil and gas projects like roads, bridges, tunnels and electricity transmission lines.”

Last month, Matt Koch at the Institute for 21st Century Energy also noted it is “also unfair to the communities along the pipeline route that support the project, and all Americans who stand to benefit from increased energy and economic security once the project is completed.”

Both industry and labor reminds us that the pipeline went through years of reviews at the state and federal level that included many opportunities for the public and interested groups to offer input. Permits were lawfully approved under that thorough process.

When asked to issue an order blocking pipeline construction, federal Judge James Boasberg looked at the facts and concluded the Army Corps of Engineers followed proper procedures and bent over backwards to gather input from the public, including Native American tribes who could be affected. He denied issuing an injunction, yet an hour later, the Obama administration chose to halt construction near the protest area, putting us in the situation we’re in.

The United States is a nation of laws. This administration should stand up for the rule of law, law-abiding construction workers, and local communities and not extreme anti-energy groups.It should stop impeding this necessary energy infrastructure project.
Sean Hackbarth is a policy advocate and Senior Editor, Digital Content, at U.S Chamber of Commerce. He twitters at @seanhackbarth and is a contributing author at the ARRA News Service.

Tags: North Dakota, Sheriff, Dakota, Access Pipeline, Protesters, Hostile, Armed, Not Peaceful, Sean Hackbarth, Chamber of Commerce To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. and "Like" Facebook Page - Thanks!

Pay to play Clinton Foundation denies hack by Guccifer 2.0

Editorial Cartoon by AF  Branco
by Natalia Castro: The Democratic Party has already been surrounded by scandal thanks to internet hackers leaking damaging emails and files from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) information, but now thanks to Guccifer 2.0 Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation are again at the center of the debate.

With Guccifer 2.0 leaking critical information alleging to be a part of the Clinton Foundation’s pay to play scheme, both Democrats and the Clintons are being forced to answer corruption charges once again.

Guccifer 2.0 is an Internet hacker from Romania, responsible for the initial hacking of the DNC and the DCCC and is now claiming responsibility for an Oct. 4, 2016 hack of the Clinton Foundation’s documents and donors’ databases.

Among the pictures uploaded to the Guccifer 2.0 blog is a list of folders the Clinton Foundation is said to have on their software, including a folder entitled “Pay to Play”. This appears to refer to the Clinton and Clinton Foundation scandal in which she planned Secretary of State visits and appointments with individuals who made generous contributions to the Clinton Foundation.

The Associated Press unveiled this practice in Aug. 2016, where they explained that “At least 85 of 154 people from private interests who met or had phone conversations scheduled with Clinton while she led the State Department donated to her family charity or pledged commitments to its international programs, according to a review of State Department calendars released so far to The Associated Press. Combined, the 85 donors contributed as much as $156 million.”

However, the Clinton Foundation officials have already been quick to dismiss this hacking as a hoax claiming, “We still have no evidence Clinton Foundation systems were breached and have not been notified by law enforcement of an issue. None of the folders or files shown are from the Clinton Foundation.”

The Hill reporter Katie Bo Williams continues her report on the possible hoax by explaining that many of the documents appear to be consistent with DCCC server information previously released in Guccifer 2.0’s last hacking expedition. Adding to the DCCC corruption issue as, if true, the “Pay to Play” folder would seemingly be their responsibility.

The situation does not end there, while the Clinton Foundation might claim that there is no evidence of a hacking, this is not the first time this has occurred.

In June, Bloomberg reported government investigators stating that Guccifer 2.0 had in fact. successfully hacked into the Clinton Foundation sever. Thousands of documents were expected to be released ranging from “gossip about world leaders and Hollywood stars” to “Donor information and opposition research on Trump”.

Is Guccifer 2.0’s latest claims the beginning of those disclosures? Or is this week’s release simply an extension of the June DNC and DCCC cyber breaches?

While this week’s breach of the Clinton Foundation server might have been a hoax, the “Pay to Play” file folder had to come from somewhere. What was in it, we wonder? As the Clintons hopefully now realize the importance of securing their servers, Guccifer 2.0’s latest attack once again damages both the Clintons and the Democratic Committees, who are forced to defend themselves against a continued torrent of corruption charges in the closing weeks of the election until November arrives.
Natalia Castro is a contributing editor at Americans for Limited Government.

Tags: Pay to play, Clinton Foundation, denies hack, Guccifer 2.0, Natalia Castro, Americans for Limited Government, Editorial cartoon, Web of Deceit, AF Branco To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. and "Like" Facebook Page - Thanks!

Media's Outrage Should Start Working Any Day Now!

Approximately every other week since he announced has been called "Trump's worst week yet!" -- In Trump We Trust: E Pluribus Awesome!

by Ann Coulter: Reviewing the state of the presidential race, I see that very little has changed for the past year. Every few weeks, the media roll out a new Trump "scandal" that has already been thoroughly covered, day in, day out, for the last 15 months.

In fact, all of the shocking new Trump scandals were aired in the very first GOP presidential debate, where he was asked seven questions about the following charges:

(1) He is mean to women.

(2) He is mean to Mexicans.

(3) He said nice things about Obamacare. (Since dropped by the media in order to help Hillary avoid the subject.)

(4) He is corrupt.

(5) He is a bad businessman.

(6) He is not a Republican. (Also since dropped -- Hillary's losing enough Democrats to Trump without reminding them that he's not a "real Republican.”)

(7) His "tone.”
All that's already been priced into the Trump brand. What new results do the media expect from telling us that Trump not only insulted Rosie O'Donnell, but also insulted Hispanic Mattress Girl, Alicia Machado: baby mama to a Mexican drug lord?

The only advance in the narrative is that the octaves of journalists' voices keep getting higher, as they repeat the exact same attacks on Trump.

Each time, the media claim victory by asserting with bland certainty that any drop in Trump's poll numbers is because of something very upsetting to journalists, but which is generally quite popular with voters -- the Mexican rapists speech, the Muslim ban, and his response to the choleric Muslim, Khizr Khan.

The media can tell us where the candidates stand in the polls. They can't tell us why. Nonetheless, they insist on identifying the precise statement of Trump's that has caused any setback, which always happens to be whatever the media is being hysterical about.

Most absurd was the widely repeated claim that Trump's "insult" of GOLD STAR DAD Khizr Khan caused him to dip in the polls. Except the problem is: (1) He didn't insult Khan; and (2) anyone who occasionally leaves his apartment realizes that no one would have minded if he had.

Khan's son was one of 14 Muslims to die serving in the U.S. military, which, coincidentally, is the precise number of American soldiers who have been killed by Muslims serving in the U.S. Military.

At the Democratic Convention, Khan waved a copy of the Constitution, asking Trump, "Have you even read the U.S. Constitution? I will gladly lend you my copy. In this document, look for the words, 'the right of all Muslims in the world to move to America shall not be abridged!’"

Actually, that's not in the Constitution. Incomprehensibly, Khan told Trump to look for the words "liberty" and "equal protection of law" -- words that are noticeable for not mentioning "the right of all Muslims in the world to move to America.”

He rounded out his harangue saying to Trump: "You have sacrificed nothing and no one!”

In an article titled "Ire for Trump as He Derides Muslim Parents," The New York Times described Trump's response to Khan as "startling," and said it "drew quick and widespread condemnation." This included a tweet from Bush speechwriter Peter Wehner, calling Trump "a man of sadistic cruelty. With him there's no bottom. Now go ahead and defend him.”

I must have accidentally been out of the country for a few days because I missed the part where Trump insulted the Khans.

But according to the Times, Trump was "derid(ing)" the Khans when he went on "Good Morning America" and called the snarling Muslim a "nice guy," wished him luck, wondered why his wife didn't say anything, and talked about the reasons Americans might want to hit the pause button on mass Muslim immigration.

To wit, Trump said: "Well, I would say, we have had a lot of problems with radical Islamic terrorism, that's what I'd say. We have had a lot of problems where you look at San Bernardino, you look at Orlando, you look at the World Trade Center, you look at so many different things. You look at what happened to the priest over the weekend in Paris, where his throat was cut, 85-year-old, beloved Catholic priest. You look at what happened in Nice, France, a couple of weeks ago. I would say, you gotta take a look at that, because something is going on, and it's not good.”

I understand why the media are upset that Trump mentioned these notable contributions of Muslim immigrants, but unless I don't know the country at all anymore, I do not believe a majority of Americans minded one bit.

The media are betting that after 9/11, the diaper bomber, the shoe bomber, the Boston Marathon, Fort Hood, Chattanooga, San Bernardino, the Orlando nightclub, the Chelsea bombing, and the recent mall attacks in both Minnesota and Washington, the revulsion of the American public to anti-Muslim bigotry will be a HUGE factor in this election.

Journalists swim in a sea of agreement. They don't stop to think that the identity politics they majored in back in college might not be popular with all Americans.

Polls showed a post-convention bounce for Hillary before Trump had said word one about Khan. Perhaps their nonsense headlines about Trump attacking a GOLD STAR FAMILY also helped them in the short run.

But as soon as the public found out that it was this specific family and, also, that Trump didn't attack them, voters weren't mad at Trump, but they sure were with the media.
Ann Coulter is a conservative author of ten New York Times bestsellers, writes numerous columns and is a frequent guest on numerous radio and TV shows. Her web site is She is the author of Adios America which she signed and gave to the ARRA News Service editor at the 2015 Eagle Council.

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  • 12/19/21 - 12/26/21