News Blog for social, fiscal & national security conservatives who believe in God, family & the USA. Upholding the rights granted by God & guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution, traditional family values, "republican" principles / ideals, transparent & limited "smaller" government, free markets, lower taxes, due process of law, liberty & individual freedom. Content approval rests with the ARRA News Service Editor. Opinions are those of the authors. While varied positions are reported, beliefs & principles remain fixed. No revenue is generated for or by this "Blog" - no paid ads - no payments for articles.Fair Use Doctrine is posted & used. Blogger/Editor/Founder: Bill Smith, Ph.D. [aka: OzarkGuru & 2010 AFP National Blogger of the Year] Contact: (Pub. Since July, 2006)Home PageFollow @arra
One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics
is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato
(429-347 BC)
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Abortion Pill Approved for Over the Counter Use
What are you doing Mr. President? In a press conference on Monday President George W. Bush told reporters that he favored the distribution of the "emergency contraceptive" as a non prescription drug known as the "morning after pill" and that he backed Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Commissioner Andrew von Eschenbach. Under the FDA plan, the drug may be sold over the counter (OTC) to women over 18 and made available by prescription to teen girls. The FDA announced Thursday that they have approved the drug for OTC distribution. The drug contains a higher dosage of ingredients than are used in prescribed birth control pills. It is odd that the lower dosage birth control pills require a prescription but the higher dosage "morning after" pill does not. Even standard dosage birth control pills are known to cause blood clots, heart attacks, strokes and other health risks. The reality is that anyone over 18 -even a man - can purchase the "morning after" pills and give the drug to underage girls without the knowledge or consent of parents or of her physician. This poses great health risks. Despite these considerable risks, this potent drug has not shown very reliable in preventing unwanted pregnancies but well may have increased the rate of sexually transmitted diseases (STD's). For example, in the United Kingdom the STD rates have increased since the "morning after" pills have been made available, and in Scotland where the drug has been available for 15 years, abortion rates have not decreased. - William J Murray, Religious Freedom Coalition
BRATTLEBORO, Vt. - A lesbian couple who into the nation's first same-sex civil union officially split up Wednesday. Carolyn Conrad and Kathleen Peterson, both of Brattleboro, had entered a civil union shortly after midnight on July 1, 2000, the day Vermont's first-in-the-nation law went into effect. Conrad, 35, filed to end the union in October and later obtained a restraining order against her partner, saying Peterson punched a hole in the wall during an argument and threatened to harm a friend. A judge granted the request for a dissolution Wednesday.
BOSTON - The lesbian couple whose lawsuit led to legal same-sex marriage in Massachusetts have announced they have separated. "Julie and Hillary Goodridge are amicably living apart," Mary Breslauer, a local political consultant, said Thursday night on their behalf. Breslauer declined to comment on how long they had been separated or whether the couple planned to divorce. The Goodridges were among seven gay couples whose lawsuit helped thrust Massachusetts into the center of a nationwide debate on gay marriage. The state's Supreme Judicial Court issued its narrow 4-3 ruling in November 2003 in their favor - saying gays and lesbians had a right under the state constitution to wed. The Goodridges were married May 17, 2004, the first day same-sex marriages became legal under the court ruling, by a Unitarian Universalist minister.
Fellow Conservative, Our elected leaders are currently considering a proposal passed by the Senate that would grant amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants. Should America grant amnesty to illegal immigrants? Take The Heritage Foundation?s surveyHas your opinion on this issue been heard? It is important that conservatives stand up to be counted as this debate continues. Please take the time to take Heritage?s survey on immigration. Your input will help Heritage advance our shared values as this crucial election approaches. Edwin J. Feulner, Ph.D.President The Heritage Foundation
President Bush supports Andy, not the law It would be better if the President supported the law instead of his friend when it comes to FDA rulemaking. WASHINGTON, Aug. 21 (UPI) - U.S. President George Bush indicated he supports over-the-counter sales of Plan B, a so-called morning-after contraceptive -- except for minors. Bush told a news conference at the temporary press room across from the White House he supports plans by Acting Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Andrew von Eschenbach to OK sales of Plan B without a prescription. "I believe Plan B ought to be a required prescription for minors," Bush said, adding he supports "Andy's decision." Von Eschenbach testified at a U.S. Senate committee hearing last week he thinks Plan B can be sold safely to women over 18.
Cynthia Howell and Rodney Bowers reported in an Arkansas Democrat-Gazette article the fiasco that occurred in Paron High yesterday ["Paron High lets in some, not others; Motion is filed to admit them" Arkansas Democrat-Gazette 8/21/2006]. They quoted Ron Wilson, superintendent of Perryville schools as saying, "It's a real mess." This comment is reminiscent of Oliver Hardy's disgusted one liner to Stanley Laurel, "Here is another fine mess you got me into." If it were not for the harm done to the kids, this would make for great comedy.
Here is another fine mess government officials have got us into. The Paron fiasco is another example of government interference and blundering. Howell and Bowers write, "School district transfers typically require approval of school boards or top level administrators from both the sending and receiving districts and, as a result, take some time to accomplish." This problem would not have occurred if the parents and local school officials were left alone.
Reading this article brought to my mind visions of communist Russia and China where people are required to get approval from party leaders for schooling, living, traveling, etc. Micro-management by government officials does not work. It is bad for the people, and it is bad for the kids. Our state leaders have allowed this to happen, and they should be held accountable for their blunder. It is time for a leadership coup in Arkansas to restore people's rights and liberties. It time for the people of Arkansas to rule themselves rather than be ruled by bureaucrats.
The Arkansas Republican Assembly (ARRA) annual convention convened in Little Rock Saturday, August 19, 2006 with delegates from five counties. Two new chartered assemblies were introduced to the conventioneers. Assembly president of Baxter County, Bill Smith, introduced delegates traveling with him, and assembly president Johnny Tittle of Washington County introduced those with him.
Each county representative described their goals and accomplishments during the meeting. Randy Minton, president of the Lonoke County assembly described their success in the primaries and local elections, which inspired those attending with hope for the conservative agenda. ARRA national delegate Peggy Jeffries encouraged everyone with her personal observations of the assemblies and the accomplishments being made. ARRA vice-president, Duane Neal submitted changes to the ARRA State Bylaws for ratification. ARRA president Pat Briney presented a power point presentation for ARRA orientation and recruiting purposes.
The meeting ended with expectations for three new counties to charter soon, which highlighted the growth of ARRA.
In an article Impeachment role gave Hutchinson clout by Seth Blomeley of the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette (8/20/06), he records the Vitriolic attack and unprofessional comments of the 1st District US Congressman Marion Berry.
In reflecting on the prior 1998 impeachment proceedings and later actions by Asa Hutchison which was propelled to Asa Hutchison to National attention, Berry used vitriolic comments to describe Hutchison as "someone to drink the Kool-Aid and take orders" and "disingenuous and duplicitous."
Even the article's author apparently felt it necessary to provide comments from a leading national democrat to offset Berry's comment. "During the DEA nomination hearing, Sen. Patrick Leahy, Democrat from Vermont, brought up the impeachment. 'I would note for the record throughout that time, notwithstanding the fact that we were on opposite sides, Congressman Hutchinson's word was gold with me,' Leahy said. 'He (Hutchinson) never broke his word. He never showed anything but the highest integrity and the highest standard of the Congress.' " Mike Beebe offered no comments on Berry's comments but identified that he disagreed with the impeachment but offered no criticism of Hutchinson's role. Asa Hutchinson also declined to respond to Berry. This is not the first time that Marion Berry has acted unprofessionally. Maybe the aging Marion Berry is feeling the stress of 14 years in Congress or has become overwhelmed by the mantra of the extreme liberal left who are emerging as the leaders of the democrat party. Berry's inappropriate public gaffes appear to have increased since Republican Mickey "Stubby" Stumbaugh, Mayor of Cabot, AR entered the race. Click now for another example of Berry's inappropriate behavior.
Republican gubernatorial nominee Asa Hutchinson told an Eagle Forum meeting Saturday that the group helped change the way the state and nation feel about abortions. In 1986, he walked in a right-to-life march that he said attracted 6,000 people, and his participation in it as a candidate was reported prominently in a newspaper, Hutchinson said at the forum's Little Rock meeting. "Over the last 20 years, you have changed the face of America and the face of Arkansas," he said, pointing to participation in the marches now by officials and candidates of both major political parties. "Correct me if I?m wrong, but I don't believe I've ever seen my opponent at one of those," said Hutchinson, describing himself as "pro-life." ... [Arkansas Democrat-Gazette; Date: 8/20/06] Note: Other conservative candidates attended the Eagle Forum meeting including ARRA endorsed Gunter Delay, Republican candidate for Attorney General.
In Bears, bulls, Hogs and pols editorial by Kane Webb, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette; 8/20/06 reflects on Mike Bebee situation: "Let's play the local market. Arkansas political and sports stocks have been especially fluid of late. . . . . It's never dull. Thank goodness."
"Mike Beebe. Sell. Look. I'm a simple editorial writer. I can't keep up with all the dodges, weaves, straddles, and clarifications of clarifications that require further clarifying. This campaign doesn't need TV commercials - which, of course, make it necessary for even more clarifying - it needs footnotes. I'm not even sure who's speaking half the time - the candidate, the candidate?s mouthpiece, or a Beebista to be named later. If anybody can clearly explain Mike Beebe's position on Intelligent Design, or the grocery tax, or abortion . . . please, let Mike Beebe know."
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